Chapter 12: Feelings

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Chapter 12: Feelings

"What's up, Dex?" I asked as he brought me all the way out into the hall. I leaned against the cold darkened wall as I waited eagerly for Dexter's response. His cheeks turned to a blushing red, awkwardly averting his eyes around the hall as he tried to find the words.

"Isabella, I've been meaning to tell you this." Dexter said as he took a deep breath. "I've had some feelings that I can't really explain. I don't know much of what it is, but I do know what it's telling me. How it makes me feel when I'm around you. . ." I stared at him confused with my head slightly tilted to the side.

"What is it?" I asked. He was silent for a moment as if he was debating on telling me or not. I was willing to listen to whatever it was.

"Well, um, I was wondering if you would ever um, would like to, um. . . Go out with me?" Dexter said, the biggest darkest blush caressed him face entirely, a sparkle in his dark eyes that gleamed when his eyes met mine, never leaving my sight. My eyes widened in shock. Me? Go out with him? Dexter and I? Together? What?!

I didn't know what to say. My words were completely jumbled up. I was unsure. Should I say yes? I didn't want to say no. But, what do I say? How do I say it? Ugh, come on, Isabella! He's not asking to marry you! You can do this!

"O-okay." I said with a nod. He grinned and pulled me into a hug that felt sort of awkward but nice at at the same time. I hugged him back until he let go of me. I smiled at him and we walked back to the lunchroom, but he then stopped causing me to stop as well. He looked back at me with his held outstretched as if he wanted me to hold it. I took it and smiled up at him as he smiled back with that cute, dorky grin of his as we moved forward into the lunchroom.

A few heads turned towards us as we walked. Mainly most of Dexter's friends. We headed back to our seat and sat down, me sitting next to August like I was before. I got close to Dexter's ear.

"Everyone's staring at us!" I whispered. He only grinned. What is he so happy about? Is it because he's showing me off?

Someone ran up to our table and slammed her hands down on the trouble furiously as she stared at the two of us with absolute displeasure. What the?

"Are you two dating?!" The girl shouted loudly.

"Cupid?" Dexter asked bewildered by her random outburst at the table.

"Are you two dating?!" The girl repeated herself. She looked angered as if she didn't want to hear the answer to begin with.

"Uh, yes?" I replied. She gasped in shock with her eyes widening in utter surprise. She bit her lip awkwardly and backed away from us. She turned around and then walked away. "What was that about?"

"Honesty, I have no clue." Dexter said with a shake of his head. He turned back to face me and he shot a smile.

"So, what did you want to ask me?" I turned back to August. He was twisting his straw from his cup with his thumb appearing to be uninterested with everything around him. He looked up at me but then looked back down at his lap.

"Oh, it's not important." He frowned. He frowned. He frowned! August March never frowns!

"August, are you okay? What's the matter? What happened? Are you sick?" I was frantic about the situation. This isn't like him! This isn't him at all!

"I'm fine," he then forced a smile on his face. I knew it was fake. He didn't have the crinkle in his eye like he usually did. Something was definitely up. But, I couldn't force it out of him. I had to let it go.

And that's what I did.

I turned back around and ate my fries. August was still in my mind and I couldn't help but worry about it. Was it something I did to make him so upset? I hated it not being able to see him happy and smiling. His ears were dropping low in such a way I couldn't believe. Was it my new found relationship with Dexter? I'll never know unless he tells me.

"Look," Dexter pointed behind me and I turned to see Hunter in a tutu and was dancing around like a ballerina. He even had a cute little wand and was pointing it around as he was dancing in complete humiliation and embarrassment thanks to losing a bet. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

"Wow! That's hilarious!" I said between laughs. He just looked so adorable! Aw. How cute in his cute tutu.

After dinner we all departed after leaving the dining hall. Dexter waved to me goodbye before kissing my cheek making me blush like crazy. He left soon after and I was left alone by myself to walk back to my room. That was, until I ran directly into Alistair and Bunny.

"Hey, there klutz," said Alistair giving a soft smile. "Why's your face so red?"

"Haha it's as red as a rose!" Bunny Blanc laughed beside him, resting a cool hand on his arm making him flinch suddenly. She looked at him weirdly.

"What's up, Iz?" Alistair said turning back to me.

"Oh nothing, except Dexter asked me to date him." I said a small smile forming at my lips. Both their jaws dropped as they stared at me strangely.

"You didn't say yes, did you?" Alistair said.

"Why? You never cared who I dated before." I said rolling my eyes as I began to walk forward as they followed me along.

"Well that's because I never asked!" Alistair said. I looked back at him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing. Never mind. What did you say?" Alistair looked at the ground nervously, a small blush forming on his cheeks.

"I said yes." I answered. Alistair stopped walking causing Bunny and I to stop as well. "Why are we stopped?"

"Is something the matter, Alis?" Bunny asked him, leaning in close and batting her eyelashes more than usual. He wasn't paying any attention to her. He stared deeply at the marbled floor, his face troubled.

"Yeah, you're acting stranger than usual." I added. He rose his head toward me, his eyes sincere and lost. He seemed hopeless. He lowered his head, shaking it softly as if I heard his heart shatter. Am I missing something here?

"Alistair?" I asked, stepping closer to him. I rested a hand on his shoulder but he harshly brushed it away, looking back up to me with anger in his expression. He sprinted off towards the corridors. "Alistair? Alistair! Come back!"

"What's the matter with him?" Bunny Blanc said looking at me questionably.

I shrugged my shoulders, staring at where he had run off before letting out a short sigh. "I haven't the slightest clue."

Was it something I said?

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