Chapter 31: It Takes a Horse

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Chapter 31: It Takes a Horse

A little more time has past since my banishment back to Wonderland has occurred. It's been over a week, and I'm still waiting for the rest of these four weeks to be up for the Red Queen's birthday at the end of the month.

Chase has already helped me tremendously so far, but I still have a longways to go. He's encouraged me to eat, which has improved little by little. However the bad dreams were still present. I didn't know what was causing them to act up so much. It hasn't been this bad in years since my imprisonment of being locked in the Red Queen's tower years ago, and the only reason as to why those have stopped was because my attention went to something else, or rather someone.

Alistair was always on my mind. Escaping with him and Bunny and running around during our adventures took my mind off of my father's death, a decent distraction to help my focus on something else for a change. It wasn't exactly the healthiest coping mechanism, but it worked.

Now, I had nothing. Chase didn't know what to do to solve the problem, and honestly, neither did I. Alistair would. If he was here, he'd be the answer to all my problems. But he isn't here anymore. I had to learn to fend for myself this time. There was no relying on him anymore. I had to do this myself.

Luckily, I still had Chase. Maybe he would be my saving grace? No, I can't let myself fall and rely on somebody else for a change. This had to be me. This had to be done properly without relying on him to fix me all the time, just like Alistair did for me. There had to be a change. I can make a change, right? There had to be an end to all this.

I can make a difference. I can make it right. I have to make it better. Better than this and what I'm going through right now. I need to learn to count on myself rather than someone else. I've been dependent on people for too long, and now, I need to learn to depend on myself.

However, all this secretive hiding was starting to get annoying. Being cooped up in a bedroom most of the time was damaging. I wanted to go outside more and go exploring in my world and do something instead of being locked in here, feeling just as much like I was during in my prison cell.

Chase was a big help. He did his best with keeping us both entertained. We mostly stuck around playing chess and helping him polish his armor after he would have his battle routines for the Queen, or when we'd have the chance to sneak outside we would go horse riding or hang out in his hiding spot, so it wasn't completely terrible. It was nice to have a friend to hang out and do stuff together. It was like how Alistair, Bunny, and I would hang out. It was nice.

"Are you always this dumb when you go into battle?" I asked Chase with a giggle, wiping soot off of his armored chest plate from being fire blasted from the jubjub bird. "You know they say beware for a reason."

"Well, I didn't know the bird breathed fire!" Chase said defensively. I chuckled, shaking my head at him. "It's not my fault the Red Queen didn't aware me of that. Or the fact that it can rip the tongue out of any beast in one swipe."

I raised a crooked brow. "So you had to test it with one of the finest horses in the palace?"

Chase blushed, his eyes darting to one side quickly biting his lower lip in shame. "I. . . I didn't know. I felt so bad for Marionette. . . I-I don't know if she'll recover. It's all my fault. . ."

"Hey, why don't we check on her after nightfall? It'll be easier to get to the stables." I insisted, thinking it would be a good idea.

"You can't come," said Chase quickly with a shake of his head, making me frown instantly.

"Why not?" I ask.

"It's too dangerous for you," said Chase firmly, a gloved hand on my shoulder. I basked at him finding it ridiculous.

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