Chapter 5: Tours

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Chapter 5: Tours

We all decided to stay here in Ever After. We had to talk to Master Grimm for the three of us to stay here at the school. We got accepted easily.

I was rooming with Bunny so we got to share our room together, which was what I thought would be a good idea. After all, I wouldn't be all by myself or share a room with a total stranger.

When we got to our room, I basically turned all the furniture on my side of the room into white and black and gold colors to my likings. It was like a pretty gothic tone but with an elegant aesthetic. I added and removed a few things here and there until it was all complete. Bunny's looked pretty cool too with her decorations. We even made it feel like home in Wonderland by adding some flora and fauna from Wonderland.

Headmaster Grimm let us all get settled into our dorms and into Ever After since we just freshly came from Wonderland. Afterwards, we were then toured around the school but we were separated from each other. Alistair was led around by this guy named Daring Charming, Bunny had this really sweet girl named Ashlynn Ella, and I had this guy Sparrow Hood.

Bunny had already gone to see the rest of the school, while Alistair and I had to wait since our guides haven't arrived yet. First impression -- not a very good start. After all, I wasn't exactly a patient person.

Then two guys came walking towards us. One of them had blond hair and bright blue eyes with fair skin. He was wearing a varsity jacket with nice Prince clothes underneath. He had a really bright smile as he kept grinning into his mirror.

The other had red hair with blue eyes with fair skin as well. We was wearing a green hat on his head and had on a green vest with green pants. He had a guitar out and was constantly playing rock music and was singing.

"The flock follows the mouse into the burrow," Alistair spoke.

"Uh, dude, English." The boy with the red hair said as he was confused by our language. Why can't anyone who's not a Wonderlandian understand us?

"Are you our tour guides?" Alistair rephrased. The blond haired guy put his mirror away, but then pulled it back out and did one last wink before putting it away for sure.

"Whoa, dude! Check it out! I got a hot babe to tour around!" The dude with the green vest grinned as he leaned over towards me as he neared my face. I'm guessing that's Sparrow. He stroked a cord on his guitar rather loudly.

"I got a few other things in mind than touring the school. You, me, making music behind the Charmitorium." He winked at me in a way that I felt disgusted. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I got a pervert.

Alistair suddenly put an arm around me as he pushed me aside in a protective manor as he got in front of his face. "Don't talk to her like that! She's mine! Well, not my girlfriend kind of mine, I mean. Sh-she's not my girlfriend. She's just my friend. That's a girl. Yeah. Anyways, don't you do anything to hurt her."

The guy raised his hands up defensively. "Okay, dude! Chill." He then turned back to me. "'Sup, the name's Sparrow Hood. And I'm guessing you're Isabella Queen." He gave me a wink as he leaned close to my ear. I pushed him away.

"You're correct, I am Isabella. But, I'd like to just go by Izzy." I said. Daring and Alistair had already walked off.

"I think Isabella sounds way hotter," he said. I rolled my eyes, knowing this would be a long boring day.

Sparrow basically only showed me the castleteria and the music room where him and his band practice their songs besides their tree house where they also practice. After that, it pretty much stopped. He didn't show me anything else, which would've been really helpful if he would. It would've been nice to know where my classes were or where the library or anything else was. We just had to make up for the rest of the time.

I know, this sounds cliché, but we were out in the woods with me sitting on a log stump petting a woodpecker as he played with his electric guitar. I seriously did not want to be apart of this.

"Hey! How about you and me make out!" He sang as he played his guitar.

"When flowers stop talking," I muttered with an eye roll. He looked at me confused.

"We're in FairyTale land, flowers don't exactly speak." Sparrow said as he wiggled his eyebrows at me in a flirty way. I still wasn't falling for him.

"Well, my answer is still no." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest as I turned away from him. Boys are so rude here. "Can you please just show me the way back to the school?"

"Sparrow!" I heard someone shout out. "What are you doing?" A girl walked over towards us. She had white hair but with brown and and pink streaks. The girl was wearing some sort of ballet dress. She looked pretty, but the snarky expression on her face ruined it.

"Oh hey, Duchess, this is Isabella. I'm showing her around the school." Sparrow stated calmly. I only rolled my eyes. Liar.

"Oh, well I'm Duchess Swan, daughter of the swan Queen. What about you?" Duchess asked me as she leaned in curiously.

"Isabella White, daughter of the White Queen." I answered.

"So, no happily ever after?" She asked.

"Well, I wouldn't really consider it. I'm only a minor character that helps the next Alice across the chess board game. Nothing that special, I would assume." I said.

"Oh," was the only thing she said.

"Can you please show me the way to the castle?" I asked Duchess.

"Sure," she said as she escorted me all the way back to the school.

"Thank you for your help," I said as I waved towards the girl. She smiled and danced away. I walked back into the school and headed towards my dorm room. Along the way, I ran into Bunny.

"Izzy!" Bunny exclaimed with a grin.

"Hey, Bunny." I said giving a small smile.

"Hey, come with me. We're heading to the Mad Hatter's tea shoppe." Bunny said as she hesitantly pulled me along.

"We?" I asked.

"Alistair, Maddie, Kitty, Lizzie, me, and now you." Bunny giggled. I'm guessing she had a good time with her guide. She pulled me along till we were outside the school. She walked me towards the tea shoppe of the Mad Hatter's.

We walked into the tea place and I instantly saw all my friends sitting at a table. Bunny and I walked up to them and I took a seat between Alistair and Maddie.

"Hey, how was your tour around the school?" I asked. Alistair sighed.

"Not so good. Daring didn't really bother showing me around. He just kept staring in his mirror and then he just walked off saying that he needed his bigger mirror to examine his "outstandingly good features" according to him." Alistair said. "What about yours?"

"Mine wasn't so good either. Sparrow wouldn't stop flirting with me and didn't bother showing me much and then just walked into the woods. Of course I had to follow him because I had no place to go. And he never, not once, called me Izzy." I said in annoyance.

"Really? Well, Ashlynn and I had a great time together! She's so sweet and nice. She introduced me to her friends as well and we all had so much fun." Bunny said. Of course.

The Mad Hatter suddenly appeared in front of us at the table. He laid down several cups of tea right in front of each of us.

"It's great to see a familiar face," I said towards the Mad Hatter.

"As to you, Izzy." The Mad Hatter said with a grin as he removed his hat from his head and bowed sincerely. He then walked away to serve his other customers.

"So, why are we all here?" I asked.

"We're going to find the Storybook of Legends," Kitty answered. What?

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