Chapter 23: It Only Gets Worse

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Chapter 23: It Only Gets Worse

I was alone.

It was just like how it was when I was locked in my prison by the red queen of hearts. Even then, it didn't feel as bad as it did now. It sucked. I felt like I was in pain.

All this guilt. This grief. . . It felt like it was my fault. That I was the person to blame for it all. Wasn't I? I should've never come here. Even if I would've been completely alone, I would be in a different position. But wouldn't I in be the same agony? It would be just the same. Without Alistair. By myself. Alone. Abandoned.

I may not have been abandoned now, but it sure felt like it from Bunny. And everyone else. No one really knows me here besides my people from Wonderland, and we still weren't exactly close. Even then, they still don't exactly consider me as a close friend with most of them. It was mainly Alistair and Lizzie, but Lizzie and I still don't hang out. Perhaps it's going to stay that way with the rumors now. I am considered a boyfriend stealer. According to Apple's post no one would believe me over miss perfectly honest and good. I didn't even know her. She didn't even know me. It was hard to believe such a good person would do such a thing just because someone else give her a bad rep. August didn't get any blame for it. Then again, I'd rather it be me than him anyways. He doesn't deserve any backlash.

He did nothing wrong. None of us did. But now I'm suffering the consequences based on my actions. Maybe I should talk to Alistair and get this all cleared up. No. I've done enough damage already. There's no need to make matters worse for him or anyone else. He's already going through a breakup with Bunny, which I wouldn't be sure how long that would last with them not together. That might make up soon enough. There was no telling.

Perhaps hiding in a classroom wasn't the best option. A place I usually avoid to becoming my hideout until things clear over probably wasn't the best idea. Especially now that I found out it was my mother's classroom. There she was grading papers while I nonchalantly hid behind one of the student's desk. I wanted her to leave. I was waiting for her to. She can't be in here forever. She had to go at some point. Then again, so did I.

"All done!" I heard her say with a satisfied sigh. She stacked the papers neatly before putting them back on her table before standing up, walking over to the far corner of the side of the room near the open side windows and pulled out a gorgeously long white mirror from her fingertip. She was examining herself, basking in her radiant glow with the natural light from outdoors that emitted from the sun.

"Ugh, all these stress lines." She pulled at her face, pushing against her skin to make her appear younger. "No matter. A little herbal soak will do some fixing. Shall we head on, my pretty?" Gross. Is she referring to herself? She put away her mirror with a swipe of her hand, turning around with her frown glistening with her gown as she walked. She was like a gracious swan as she moved. She moved a hand swiftly into a straight line, a glowing Queen chess piece appearing out of nowhere.

"Latest gossip of my daughter?" she said to the piece in a monotone voice.

"Isabella Queen." A feminine angelic voice came from the piece. "She is involved in a scandalous rumor over a take on Bunny Blanc's boyfriend Alistair Wonderland. Confirmed to be false. Spread by Apple White by catching them in a janitor's closet to angrily post for a sense of payback."

"My goodness," my mother whispered. "That girl is always into something, isn't she? When will she ever learn? Either bad things follow her or she's just into those dangerous things. Over that silly Wonderland boy. . . Love sure makes you do stupid things, don't they? No matter. She'll figure out silly boys aren't anything to be worrying about when it should be the sake of her kingdom. I'm tired. Let's go get my face in a good cleansing soak. I don't need to be stressing over this silly nonsense. Either she'll come to her senses or not, she's going to have to her fate one way or another. She'll figure it out. Get Snow White on the line, please. Thank you."

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