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I usually didn't catch feelings for a girl so quickly. I didn't get hung up on them and needed their attention. But Raya was different. We basically just met and she knew me better than any body else.

I sighed and set the phone down slightly worried about her. She had sounded terrified when she hung up.


I sighed. "WHAT?"

"Open this goddamn door."

I got up and walked to my door, throwing it open. "Yes, Dad?"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Getting ready for bed." I responded.

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"A girl from school-"

"You stole the phone from Susan so you could talk to some whore-"

"She's not a whore!" I snapped.

He scoffed and shoved me so I knocked over my nightstand and crashed into the wall.

"You're a piece of shit, William." He roared.

I wanted to fight back but before I could do anything, he grabbed me by the shoulder, and hit me hard in the stomach. I collapsed to the ground. Dad walked away and slammed the door behind him.

Tears began to fall from my face as I looked over and seen the picture frame that had been on my nightstand in pieces.

I let out a sob as I reached forward, and grabbed it, the tiny shards cutting me and the bruise forming on my abdomen.

I held the picture of my Mom in California in my shaking hands, tears falling freely from my eyes.


I sat and watched Billy lift weights. Loud rock music blared from the box television and Max sat on her bed, taping her skateboard.

Watching Billy workout was a distraction. After the pain had stopped I could barely stand. I tried calling everyone but no one answered. Then some weird men had come and began to trash the house and photograph the place. I had then just wandered down the streets until Billy found me.

Now I could see all of his muscle ripple with every movement, his body slick with sweat. He wore a white muscle tee and black shorts.

Billy didn't try and ask me what had happened and I was grateful. I didn't know how to explain it to him.

Then somebody rang the doorbell. Billy and I just ignored it. Then they rang it again with persistence.

"Max, are you getting that or what?" Billy yelled.

"OKAY!" Max snapped.

"You could've said please."

The person began to ring it more.


Max hurried to the door and slipped outside, closing the door behind her.

Billy shut off the television and looked at me, cigarette still hanging loose in his mouth. We both looked towards the door and he stood up.

I handed him the can of the drink I had and he walked towards the yellow front door.

He was almost to the door when Max hurried inside. She was about to rush past Billy when he set his hand with the can on the turquoise fireplace, stopping her from moving.

"Who the hell were you talking to?" He demanded.

"Mormons." She lied. I snickered and she shot me a look.

"Mormons?" Billy repeated.

"Talkative ones."

She pushed past him and went to her room. Billy looked outside and come back inside. He sighed and walked over to me.

"She is a terrible liar."

"We do have mormons here in Hawkins." I replied.


"Yeah, but they don't go door to door-"

Somebody knocked. I stood up and walked past Billy who sat on his weight bench and opened the door.

Nick stood there.

I slammed the door but Nick held his hand up and prevented it from closing.

He had a sick smirk on his face, he was happy he could see the plain fear on my face.

"Hey, whore." He murmured.

"Who the fuck are you?" Billy asked, standing up and walking to me.

"I'm Nick, Raya's boyfriend." He said. "You must be the player she's cheating  on."

"I'm Raya's boyfriend." Billy argued. He looked at me and saw the slightest flinch when Nick began speaking again. He looked back at Nick and then exploded.

He pushed Nick and he went tumbling onto the porch. But Billy wasn't done, he began to punch Nick who just laughed as he got pounded on.

Billy punched him one last time before whispering something to him and hopping up.

Billy grabbed my hand and led me inside, slamming the door, and locking it.

I wanted to scream, I had been useless. I had simply frozen at the mere sight of Nick.

"Raya." Billy murmured.

I didn't look at him, I just covered my face in my hands and slid to the floor.

"Raya." He breathed, walking to me.

When he touched my hair, I flinched, and then began to cry.

"I hate him, Billy!" I cried. "I hate myself! I've been so obsessed with you lately, I forgot about him. And now that he's here he's going to make my life a living hell again-"

"I'm not going to let that happen." Billy growled, pulling my hands from my face. "I would've killed him if you hadn't been there. I would do anything for you."

"You know I'm an overthinker. But ever since I met you, I don't worry that much, I don't have post traumatic stress episodes, or nightmares. I didn't even care if you just wanted to get in my pants. I'm broken but you saved me a bit."

"You're not the broken one." He murmured, wiping my eyes.

Suddenly I felt the burning ache in me again and I winced. I tried not to cry out as it consumed my body.

So to distract myself, I crashed my lips against Billy's. He didn't pull away but didn't kiss me like usual. He was gentle. Too gentle.

I pushed him a bit and he fell backwards and I took control. He groaned and pulled away.

"Raya, are you sure?"

"More than sure." I said, standing up. The pain was no longer there. I took his hand and led him to his room.

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