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"Jonathan!" I yelled. "Nancy!" I ran as fast as I could towards my house as they drove away. "SON OF A BITCH!"

They were long gone now.

I sighed and trudged to the shed and grabbing my old bike. I could remember riding down the streets with Will, Mike, Jonathan, Lucas, and Dustin. Sometimes Nancy.

I brushed off the dust, grabbed a flashlight, and began to ride down the street. I headed towards Steve house. As the sun set, fog began to show up and it got harder to see. I flipped on the flashlight and began to ride carefully.

I could remember that Will had been taken by the demogorgon while riding his bike. My blood chilled and my heart began to beat faster.

Something was off.

I heard this growling noise and quickly stopped, looking around. The air seemed to be getting colder and colder and my jacket wasn't enough to stop my teeth from chittering.

Then something darted across the road and I let out a quick breath. Then another thing.

I turned the lights toward the creatures to see them and they stopped running and looked at me.

I then saw they were miniature demogorgons that ran on four legs like most animals.

I didn't dare make a noise. And then in synchronization, their faces opened like a flower and they ran for me instead of the direction of Hawkins Lab.

I screamed and then dropped my bike and ran. My legs burned with every step and the demogorgons were right on my heels.

Then I tripped and went stumbling down a hill, my head smacking a rock.

I groaned and tried to move but I hurt. But the demogorgons were gone and I was lost.

I let out a sob and managed to stand up.

And then I went limping in a random direction.


"Hey guys we're home!" Susan called. "Guys, hello? Max?"

Loud rock music played in my room and I lit a cigarette. I do a little dance, happy that I get to see Raya soon. I grab my cologne and put some on.

I inhaled some of the smoke and then breathed it out.

Susan knocked on my door. "Billy?"

"Yeah, I'm a little bit busy in here, Susan." I called back.


I put my cigarette up and opened the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Why don't you tell us?" Dad demanded.

"Because I don't know." I snapped.

"We can't find Maxine." Susan said.

"And her window's open." Dad finished. "Where is she?"

Shit. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Dad scoffed.

"Look I'm sure she just, I don't know, went to the arcade or something." I walked away from them. "I'm sure she's fine."

I went to my closet and found my brown jacket.

"You were supposed to watch her." Dad walked towards me.

I sighed. "I know, Dad. I was." I slipped on my jacket. "It's just you guys were three hours late, and, well, I have a date." I sighed again. "Sorry, ok?"

"That's why you've been staring at yourself in the mirror like a faggot instead of watching your sister?" Neil demanded.

"I have been looking after her all week, Dad! OKAY? She wants to run off, then that's her problem, all right?" I snapped, anger evident in my voice. Dad looked away. "She's thirteen years old! She shouldn't need a full time babysitter! AND SHE'S NOT MY SISTER!" I turned off the music.

And then before I could even do anything, Dad slammed me against the shelves built into the wall. I lost my breath a bit.

"What did we talk about?" Dad asked, his voice low but furious.

He then punched me and I noticed Susan had the audacity to look away. Neil grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"What did we...talk about?" Dad growled.

"Respect and responsibility." I murmured, the tears already starting to gather in my eyes.

"That is right. Now apologize to Susan."

I looked at Susan after a moment. "I'm sorry, Susan."

"It's okay, Neil, really-"

"No , it's not okay!" Dad yelled, making me flinch. "NOTHING ABOUT HIS BEHAVIOR IS OKAY! But he's going to make up for it. He's gonna call whatever whore he's seeing tonight and cancel their date. And then he's gonna go find his sister like the good, kind, respecting brother that he is. Isn't that right, Billy? ISN'T THAT RIGHT?"

"Yes sir."

Dad sighed. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."

"Yes, sir." I repeated.

"Find Max." Dad ordered before they left and slammed the door.

I started to cry. I threw my keys and lighter to the side, covered my face, and began to cry more.

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