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I could no longer feel the cold air, I couldn't stop trembling, and I couldn't stop sobbing. I walked through the woods of Hawkins completely lost.

Suddenly I heard a roar and I knew it had come from the small demogorgons. They sounded a bit away.

I let out a shaky breath and continued walking. My whole body ached and I felt like something was off.

Then I heard a snap.

I whirled around towards the sound.

"Who's there?" I demanded.

I took several steps back.

And then I collided into someone's chest.


I had no idea where to start looking for Max. Raya hadn't answered the phone when I tried calling her.

I slammed the front door and got in my car. I swore before starting the car and racing off, the music blaring.


"Hello, slut."

I froze and instantly let out a sob. Why the hell did it have to be him?

He grabbed my neck and threw me to the ground.

"Nick, please, stop."

He laughed and shook his head. "You don't understand."

"Nick, take me home-"

"No, I deserve to have some quality time with my girlfriend."

"I'm not your girlfriend. I never was-"

"You must of hit your head pretty hard. I remember you practically begged me to date you."

"I was young and you were nice. Well I thought you were."

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" He hissed.

I managed to sit up. "You were abusive, controlling, and you forced me to do things with you."

He laughed maniacally.

"Why are you in Hawkins?"

"My dad lives here, he's a doctor at the lab, my mom sent me here, and we got to bond. I learned quite a lot about what really goes on in there."

"And I'm gonna bet that you didn't know there was an attack by a bunch of monsters, your brothers possessed, and they're probably dead-"

"You're lying!" I snapped.

"Am I? Haven't you felt like something was off? Have you had these random pains? You were in that hell too last year but it seems like you weren't affected. But poor baby Will might not make it-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I snapped.

I stood up and glared at him. "Where's the lab?"

"You're too late, they even killed my father and the rest of them."

"You're sick-"

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. "Am I?"

"Let me go-"

"Shut up, Raya!" He screamed, making me flinch. "One word out of you and I will make you feel like dying."

I swallowed hard and glared at Nick. But smartly, I stayed quiet.

"I found about the lab and the hellish world there's a gate to. And you are parading around town with Billy motherfucking Hargrove like some whore." He chuckled. "Meanwhile, your friends and family have been fighting for their lives."

"What are you talking about, they would've gotten me-"

"Would they have? Read this. It's information Joyce had about you and gave to the lab." He tossed the file he seemed to have produced out of thin air and I caught it.

I opened it and began to read.

Raya Byers has become worse than her younger brother Will. Both of them had been in the Upside Down but she seems to be a bit more denying. She came to the lab a few times but everytime she refused to do the tests. Joyce (her mother) has called her violent and angry. She doesn't seem to have episodes just nightmares that she illustrates in her art. She didn't speak much after coming back. Only talking with her older twin brother, Jonathan Byers. After finding out her father no longer wanted her around and gave up on her she lashed out and had to be hospitalized. After that, she had gone to school and seemed normal. Will and her do seem more alike as his episodes get worse. The staff are thinking of arranging another appointment. Raya is a valuable witness to the other world and we need her. One other thing to note is the scars she has. They look like letters and she has signs of rape. She also seem to have forgotten things from that traumatic experience and her brain couldn't process it. Joyce has informed us that she had tried to kill herself. Raya had seen something else in that world, Joyce has seen a few random things in her paintings and they look like a disfigured person.

I closed the file and looked up at Nick.

"So, is that all true?"

I nodded and he smiled. He held out his hand. "I know you Raya. I know you've felt lost. Come with me and I'll give you the answers you want."

He held put his hand and I took it.


Raya was dying and Vecna was busy popping his #vecnussy. Anyways, how's the story. Comment and keep reading.

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