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"Where's Billy?" I demanded.

Mom, Jonathan, and Will sat in chairs around my hospital bed. Hopper was nowhere to be seen.

"He's at home with his family." Mom responded. She took my hand and I sighed.

"Hi, Will."

"Hi, Raya." He gave me a big smile and I looked at Jonathan.

He gave me a small smile. "I'll go get Hopper."

Jonathan got up and left the room. Mom sighed.

"How long have you been sleeping with Billy?"

"A week." I responded. "I love him."

"Are you sure-"


"He could ruin you."

"I wouldn't give a care in the world if he did."

The door opened and Hopper and Jonathan walked in.

"Hey kiddo."

"Hi, Hopper." I looked around. "Where's Bob?"

Joyce's face fell. "Um, Bob, the dog things, they, they got him."


"He's dead." Jonathan explained. "He risked his life to save Mom, Hopper, Will, and Mike."


"Kiddo, we gotta talk about Nick."

"He's dead."

"You killed him."

"The gun went off but I probably would've had to kill him to get away from him-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Start from the beginning."

I began to explain everything and by time I finished I was struggling not to cry.

There was a knock on the door. Then it swung open and I seen Billy standing there.

Hopper excused himself and my family followed his lead.

My heart sped up and I gave him a huge smile.

"Hey, princess." He said, walking towards me.

"Billy." I breathed, my stomach tightening.

He took my hand and took the seat where Mom had sat.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore, tired, mentally drained." I responded, resting my head on the pillow and gazing at him.

"You look pretty."

"No, I do not."

"Yes, you do." He responded.

I sighed and he reached forward and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too, Babydoll." He responded, lightly running his finger across my cheek. My heart sped up even more and the monitor began beeping wildly.

"God, that's so embarrassing." I chuckled, my cheeks turning red.

"How are you?" I asked.


"Why were you at my house?" I asked.

He began to explain what happened and when he finished, I sighed.

"Are you jealous of Steve?" I asked.

"Pftt, no, of course not."


"Maybe when we first met but I've realized that you guys are just friends." He explained.

"You know we dated."

He froze.

"I think it was fourth grade."



"Who broke up with who?"

"We just came to an understanding that we're just really good friends."

"Did you ever kiss?" Billy asked, chuckling.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, groaning. "It was the worst ever."

"Well you're a very good kisser now."

My heart beat sped up.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He muttered, leaning in.

And then he pulled away and winked. The monitor was beyond crazy.

"That's beyond helpful." He muttered.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't." We just watched each other for a few minutes. "Isn't it funny how quickly we developed a relationship?"

"It is. My mom was beyond surprised. She was angry almost. She gave me a whole lecture on how teenage boys just want to get in my pants. Billy Hargrove, do you want to get in my pants?"

"That's a plus but I honestly just like you, your smile, your personality." He responded. "Okay, Raya Byers, do you like me for me or you just want to fuck me?"

"Definitely the fucking." I responded playfully. We sat in silence for a few more minutes. "Did you get told the whole story about the lab? The monsters? What really happened to me last year?"

He nodded. "It was freaky and terrifying but I'm glad I know."

"What now?"

"What do you mean?"

"This year's almost over. I haven't even thought that far ahead."

"Well first we graduate, save up some money, and do whatever we please."

My heart swelled and I bit my lip. "I want to go to California with you some day."

"A beach wedding?"

I nodded. "And a big house."


"I've always wanted to go to a big city like New York or Miami."

"New York it is."

I smiled. "I love you, Billy."

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