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Last chapter was sweet, I have an idea for where I want this story to go so bear with me. I feel like this is bad so comment, thanks.


"What are you doing?" Billy demanded.

I turned back around to him. "Talking to Max."


I slammed his car door shut and limped inside his house. Neil, thankfully wasn't home. Susan waved to me and I gave her a quick hello before hurrying to Max's room.

She looked up and took in my black dress, black shoes, and my jewelry.

"Date?" She asked.

"Funeral." She nodded. "I want to talk to you."

"If this about Billy, I don't want to hear it." Max snapped.

"Why do you hate him?" I asked.

"Why do you like him?" Max demanded. "He's toxic, got some serious anger issues, he argues."

"Where do you think he got all of that from?" She scoffed. "His dad, Max."

"He's always been a dick."

"So has his father." I pointed out.

"He would've killed Lucas."

"He was mad, under the influence, and being protective." I explained. "I'm not trying to tell you what to do but you should think about how he was raised. See you around."

And then I left. Billy was listening to music when I reached the car and didn't say a word as he pulled out and heading to the funeral service.

The silence was killing me, his unreadable expression driving me nuts.

"Billy, will you just talk to me?"

"About what?" He demanded.

"I don't know." I snapped.

"Breathe, sweetheart."

"I am."

"Raya, look at me."

"Keep your eyes on the road."

He slammed on the brakes and I reluctantly looked at him.

"What the hell is up with you?" He demanded. "Ever since you got out of the hospital you've been acting strange."

"How else am I supposed to act?" I screamed. "I don't know how to feel about killing somebody, I have nightmares, I'm in constant pain because I can't take painkillers because I have a habit of not being able to control myself. And I'm scared your going to think I'm insane and just get up and leave!"

"I would never do that."

"That's what they always say."

He grabbed my face and I looked him in the eye. He no longer looked mad.

"I. Am. Not. Leaving. You."

I swallowed hard and he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. It was gentle but I longed for more.

I pushed my lips against him, wrapped my hands around his neck, and slipped my tongue in his mouth.

He groaned when I tugged at the roots of his hair and I reveled in the sound.

But then he pulled away. "We have a funeral to go to."

I groaned and he pressed his lips to my forehead.

"We can make out later."


Everybody else had left the service but Raya and I sat in front of Nick's headstone.

I looked down at her to see tears building in her eyes. But she just glared at the gray stone.

"Raya." I whispered, pulling her even closer to me. "It's okay to be sad."

"The thing is I'm not sad. I'm glad he's gone. He deserved it. He deserved worse. He was insane and did horrible things to me." She wiped her eyes. "We should go."

I stood up, helped her up and then we walked to my car.

"Are you ready to graduate?" I asked her as we hopped in the car.

She nodded. "You?"

"There's two classes that the grades need improved."

"Couldn't you just flirt with the teachers?" She asked, a bit of jealousy laced in her voice.

"They're fifty year old men." I replied.

"And you're a hot minor, every perv's type."

I rolled my eyes and looked to see her grinning at me. I gave her a small smile and then started the car.

"Are you going back to Steve's?" I asked.

"I probably shouldn't." She responded. "My mom has been respecting my need for space but one more day at Steve's she might actually lose her mind."

"Mother like daughter."

"Shut up." She responded, playfully. "You could stay the night."

"And have Jonathan and Will glaring at me during dinner or movie night." I shook my head. "No, thanks."

"Fine." She whined.

I slid my hand onto her thigh and continued to drive to Hawkins.

We sang along to the music, shared a cigarette, playfully argued, and just hung out.

When we finally reached her house, she sighed and turned to face me. "I'll miss you."

"You see me everyday, Babydoll." I responded.

"I know." She sighed. "How about we skip school, head down to the city and go shopping?"

"Alright." I replied.

"What time?"

"I'll try to be around here by eight but I can't promise anything. I'm supposed to be dropping off Max."

"Don't be so snappy and bossy, okay?"

I nodded. "You say that like its easy."

"With practice it becomes easier, take it from me. I'm no longer bound to the path of the asylum."

I rolled my eyes. "I would've gotten you out."

She leaned in and pressed a kiss to my lips. She pulled away first.

"Start thinking about a job too."

"Yes ma'am."

She gave me one last kiss before hopping out of the car and walking to the door.


"You guys are gross." Will stated. "You can't keep your lips off of each other at all."

"Neither can Nancy and Jonathan." I argued.

"But we're gentle, you guys attack each other like bears." Jonathan pointed out.

"We do not." I argued, my cheeks turning red. "Who is picking the movie?"

"Hopper." Will replied. "Him, Mike, and El are coming over today."

I let out a laugh. I could just see Hopper glaring at me if I had brought Billy to stay the night.

"Alright well I'm gonna go shower."

I gathered my clothes and headed to the bathroom. After a cold shower, I put on some shorts and one of Billy's muscle tees.

Then I headed out into the living room.



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