"God damn you terry"

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Ian's pov

I couldn't sleep I could only think about how Ares didn't say anything to me and then just left to god knows where.

Ares pov

I woke up to a punch in the face "get up fag!" I didn't even have to open my eyes to know it was terry, he pulled me out of bed and started to punch my face in until I spit out blood "What the fuck" I mumbled as terry lent towards me "that's what happens when you become a fag!" He said in my ear, throwing me to the floor and leaving.

Nobody's pov

"How's Mickey?" Ian asked Mandy while sharing a cigarette "They still have him in the jail ward over at County." Mandy replied taking the cigarette from Ian's hand "You been over to visit him?" Ian asked nervously.

Mandy laughed "Nah. Those d*ke guards pat you down like amateur gynaecologists. How's Kash?" Ian took the cigarette back and replied "He doesn't matter, have you seen Ares yet"

Mandy turned towards him "I heard him and my dad this morning" she spoke hesitantly "what happened?" Ian asked worriedly "I don't think I should tell you" they stopped talking as lip came over.

Ares pov

I try to open the door but find it's locked aswell as the window "what the fuck.. god damn you terry!" I suddenly remembered the phone I had hidden under my bed so I grabbed it and tried to call Mickey but he didn't answer so I called Mandy "please pick up" she didn't answer so I had to leave a voicemail "hey little sister um dads locked me in my old room I was just wondering if you could let me out? See you later" as I ended the voicemail I heard terrys voice "OI FAG!"

He opened the door saw the phone in my hands grabbed it and smashed it against the wall and then proceeded to beat me up until my nose was bleeding and I had blood running down my face. "I'm going to the bar and you better not steal any of my stuff!" He shouted as he left the room and locked the door again.

"Shit" I looked around and saw a baseball bat leaning against the wall, picking it up I swung it against the door again and again untill the bat snapped in half "AH" I shouted as I started using my fists to try and break the door.

Ian's pov

"You doing okay?" Lip asked as I stared straight ahead "Lot going on." I mumbled back lip chuckled "Yeah. It's weird having Monica back." I looked around outside and said "Yeah. Yeah, that too." I could feel lip look at me confused "What, something else?"

I took deep breath "It's kind of hard to explain." Lip faced me even more and said "Try me" I took another deep breath
"Mickey knows I'm in love with Ares still  and that Ares and I are gay And Kash shot Mickey because of that, I think"

"Wow dude" lip said I chuckled and continued "there's more, When Kash and I were hot and heavy, Linda found out about it...and is blackmailing Kash
into have another kid."

"Holy shit." Lip said in shock as I finished my sentence "Here they come" I say as Monica and Bob walk out the house
" I think I'm gonna go see him today" I quickly say. Lip looks back over at me and reply's "Who, Kash?" I look back at the house.

"No, Ares.." I say slowly waiting for lips reaction "you know where he is?" I look back at lip "Mandy said she heard terry taking to him this morning before she left"

Ares Pov

My knuckles where bleeding and there was a slight dent in the solid wood door, I give up. I went and sat on the bed trying to think of another plan .

Hours past it was now dark and my head was pounding that's when I remembered the window if my head already hurts if I jump through the window it doesn't matter because I'm then free.

I stood with my back against the wall, ran and then jumped head first threw the window. I could feel blood rushing down my head as I stood up and started running towards the Gallagher's.

As I got outside the house Monica,Bob and Liam where leaving and Fiona, lip, Ian, Debbie sand carl came out of the house next door.

Monica walked past me toward Fiona and handed her Liam with tears in her eyes, as Monica walked towards Bob she grabbed my hand and started to take me with her as she cried until I stopped walking.

"I can't go with you, Monica I need to stay here" she looked at me as tears fell down her face "look after them for me and tell him you love him I can see the way he's looking at you" she squeezed my hand, got in the truck with Bob and left.

I was about to start walking away again until I heard a voice behind me "where you going?" It was Ian, I couldnt look at him so I just said "home" I could feel his eyes on me "then your going the wrong direction" that confused me so I turned around to look at him.

"This is your home" Ian said pointing at the Gallagher house "I am your home" he said pointing at himself, I walked to him "ah so you want me inside you." I could see him blush "that's not what I meant!" I laughed "I know I'm just messing with you sparky" I said as I put my hands around his waist "I missed you calling me that" I could feel him melt into my arms "come on let's go inside" he said dragging me through the door and up the stairs to his bedroom.

Authors note

I love writing Ian and Ares fluff it's adorable and funny.

Don't forget to vote and comment if there is anything I should change.

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