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Ares pov

Walking up the stairs I see Ian on his bed "where did you go this morning?" I said weakly "your brothers bride threatened me with a claw hammer" I was about to reply but lip, Debbie and Carl walked in.

"You're back!" Debbie said excitedly as Ian stood up hugging them all "Oh, hey, guys. Oh, man. I missed you guys."
"Hey, man" lip said while hugging Ian back.

"Lip says you stole a helicopter." Carl spoke while smiling at Ian who smirked "I tried to. Kind of tipped it.
Blades snapped. Motor caught fire."

"Awesome. You shoot anyone?" Carl said ecstatic "I never left basic." Ian said sounding unlike his normal self

"You can't shoot anyone there?" Carl replied a bit disappointed "You can. I didn't." Ian spoke slowly

"You shot no one. You flew nothing. Why did you go there in the first place?" Carl said confused

"Relationship issues." Ian spoke slowly everyone looked at me.
"Yeah, you okay?" Lip said taking everyone's attention

"Yup, all good." Ian replied

"Cool. Alright. Let's go get some dinner, dorks.I'll catch up with you later, yeah?" Lip said while leading Debbie and Carl back downstairs

"Yeah, later, man." Ian spoke quickly And then sat back on his bed

"You coming back?" I said hastily "Depends..." Ian smirked at me "...Will you suck my dick whenever I want?"

"Fuck off." I joked, We were in silence for a second and I couldn't not think of what the Sargent did To me, I just want his touch off me so I said "I'll do it"

"Do what?" Ian started smirking again
I ran my hand down my face "please Don't make me say it" I sounded defeated

"Suck my dick. Whenever I want." Ian continued to smirk as I unbuckled his jeans And well you can tell what happened next.


Ian was asleep on his bed, he tried to get me to sleep next to him but I just couldn't so I slept on the floor, I didn't sleep I was awake for the whole night. I saw Fiona walk in and rummage through the boys room and leave again but I couldn't give a shit.

The next morning

Everyone was downstairs but I just didn't  move until I had a flash back from that night. I felt the rush of anger run through my veins like a burst of energy so I punched the wall. I walked downstairs to see Ian singing a song I learnt at military school so I join in.

we finish singing and Ian sits down, pulling me to sit on his lap. I sit with my back to his chest, his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. Mandy walks in but Ian and I couldn't care less seeing as we were kissing. Mickey then walked in as well saying something about Svetlana's water breaking. "I'm going to be an uncle! we need to celebrate!" I said to Ian happily he was kissing my neck as Debbie walked in calling Fiona a Bitch.

Ian and I looked at each other trying not to laugh as Lip Liam, Debbie and Carl left.

I zoned out while kissing Ian's jaw, till he put a cup of coffee next to my nose, I grabbed it and drunk the burning coffee but I didn't feel it, I felt invincible.

Ian stood up while holding my waist which meant I also stood up but I didn't mind because he soon sat back down again. Ian poured himself another cup of coffee but I didn't feel like sitting at the table any longer so I whispered in his ear "lets go upstairs..." I said seductively as I started to kiss his jaw again. "not right now. i have to go to work, you want to come with me?"  I nodded, he grabbed my hand, we went too the door put our shoes and coats on and left.

As Ian was dancing on the platform i was drinking vodka and glaring at anyone who looked at him. one dude started walking towards him but before he put the bill into Ian's shorts I grabbed his hand "Those fingers go anywhere near that cock, I'm gonna break every knuckle in your hand, all 15 of them!"  he got closer too me "Settle down, rumble fish. Anyway, a hand only has 14 knuckles." he said trying to be a smart ass

"You want to fucking die perv?" I grumbled, behind me Ian smirked, climbed off the platform and started talking "We got invited to an after-hours at the loft of one of my regulars. It will be fun I promise."

"Nothing unless it involves some fat faggot shoving his hands down..." Ian shut me up by kissing me, we didn't stop kissing until we both ran out of breath. "Calm down Babe." Ian whispered softly in my ear.

Ian lead me through this amazing loft "What does this guy do?" i asked suspiciously "He's an engineer and part-time photographer. I think he took some of these pictures actually." ian replied while grabbing my hand "Oh, yeah? Why did he want us to come here then, huh?" i ask nervously

"Oh, come on, not everybody wants something from me" Ian chuckles i roll my eyes "they might not but I do" I say running my hand down his chest.

"Ian. Hey! So happy you could make it!" some random guy says
"its good to be here Ryan. This is Ares." Ian says in reply
"Delighted to meet you Ares. Could I get either of you a cocktail?" Ryan asked

"Yeah, you got beer?"i asked a bit unnerved "I've got some craft brews, a Stout, IPA, Winter Wheat." he listed "How about beer?" i replied not even sure if what he said was beer. Ryan laughed "Right. Could I be any more of a fag? One beer coming up. Ian?" Ian looked at him "Let's see what you got." they both then walked off leaving me alone

a random dude then walked up to me "You're new. Hi."
i nodded hi back
"You here with Ian?" he asked happily
"Yeah." I couldn't help but sound angry "He's great. So what do you do for living?"

i looked at the floor "I'm unemployed at the moment I didn't finish school till just under a month ago"

i woke up to a hand tap my shoulder, my brain immediately thought it was the sarge but luckily it was one of Ian's friends "Whoa! Whoa. Easy, killer..." he laughed "..I'm taking breakfast orders Scrambled eggs, pancakes or French toast?" he asked me

"um eggs?" i was still tired so i was a bit out of it

"And what do you think he'll want?" Ryan asked pointing at Ian
"How the fuck should I know, man? I'm not his keeper." I scowl

"Right. Didn't mean to assume. So did you guys just meet last night, or are you together?" he asked
I yawned and replied "Together." Ryan smiled "Cool. You're a lucky dude." i chuckled "Don't I know it"

"He would want pancakes..." i muttered before I rested my head back on Ian chest.

Authors note:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Vote and comment it helps give me motivation.

Happy day/night wherever you are :))

To be or not to be (male oc X Ian)Where stories live. Discover now