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Ares Pov

Why did he leave? Why not wait till I got back? I should have called him, but I couldn't.

I sat down on the street with my back against a random bar, just thinking. watching the world go by as I sat in silence, I was still but life was still moving like it always had but now it felt different.

"Hey Ares, you look like you need a drink come inside" I look to my right "fine. Thanks Tony" he helps me up and walks me inside the Bar.

Turns out it's a gay bar but oh well "can I get two beers?" Tony asks the guy at the bar, he hands us both a beer "hey handsome, why don't you come back to mine" some random dude says while looking at me.

I feel Tony push me behind him "back off he's 16" the other guy walks away grumbling, we sit in silence until I decide to say something "I'm 18." I stared at the bottle in my hand "what?" Tony said confused.

"I'm not 16, I'm 18" I felt Tony look at me "oh, sorry"

30 minutes later

Nobody's POV

Tony and Ares where very drunk and now dancing to the club music "ARES!" A hand grabbed his arm "oh hey sarge, you want to dance?" Ares slurred as he started to grind against the Sargent but he just grabbed his arm and dragged him out the club.

Tony saw this and followed behind them.
The wind was cold on Ares' face which sobered him up just a tiny bit, Rick was red with anger "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!" He screamed in Ares face as tony watched trying to sober himself up.

"ARES ANSWER ME!" Rick shouted,
Ares started laughing "or else what? What you going to do huh!" The Sargent was not happy with ares answer.

His hand balled into a fist and punched ares unshaven, bruised face. security saw what happened and tackled the sarge to the ground "your under arrest for assault." Ares stopped listening to them as tony pulled him into his arms "come on I'll take you home."

Ares pushed himself away from tony "I can't go back there! Please tony!" Tony grabbed his hand "you can sleep at mine" Ares didn't respond as he didn't need too.
They walked to Tony's house, Ares promptly fell asleep on the old brown couch while tony fell asleep in his own bed.

Ares pov

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket "I'm sorry Ares, I was just worried please come home" shit it was the sarge. I got up with my head pounding, left a note for Tony which included my phone number and started to walk to the Sargents.

5 minutes later

I opened the door and the sarge was right waiting right in front of the door, he pulled me into a hug "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you! As an apology I will buy you anything you want including that motorbike you where always taking about!"

I looked him in the eyes "I dont want anything" He smiled and kissed the top of my head "I will get you stuff anyway!"

1 hour later

Rick bought me an old motorbike, he's trying to bribe me but I didn't care he decided to drive himself home in his car so I could visit my siblings.

I stood outside the house and ran in "YOUR FAVOURITE BROTHER IS HOME!" Mandy glared at me "go find your fucking boyfriend! He won't answer my texts!" She tried to push me back out the door but i didn't move "why do you have a squirrel on your head?" I say laughing.

"It's for work dumbass" is her only reply as she walks out the house.

"MICKEY?" I shout trying to see if he's home, "WHAT! IM TAKING A SHIT" he shouts back. I can't help but laugh "BYE! I'm going to find Ian then I guess!" I walk back outside and drive away.

As I ride around Chicago I think about where Ian would go that's when I see the gay bar that lip saw Ian at last. "Worth a shot" I mutter as I walk in.

I walk in and it's gay, I mean I'm gay just not this gay! "Looking fine." Some middle age dude says to me as a walk past. I roll my eyes "fuck off" he looks at his two friends "I like them rough.. Im Scott. You want to get out of here?" I roll my eyes again.

"No I don't want to... have you seen this kid?" I ask holding up a picture of Ian. He proceeds to try and hit on me more but I shut him down "I don't fucking care! Where's the manager?" He points behind him.

"You the manager?" I ask while walking up to another middle aged man "who's asking" he says taking a glance at me.
"Me, obviously. Have you seen this kid?" I ask again showing him the picture of Ian "never seen him before" he reply's not even looking at the photo.

"I'm going to give you another chance. Tell me where he is!" He finally looks at the picture "I can't keep track of every twink who comes and goes in this place."

"well this Twink went AWOL after your bouncer kicked his brother and kid sister out. So where is he." I said while the guy tried to ignore me.

"Look, you little tweaker. You think you're the first one to come in here boo-hooing about some cocktail slut who jacked you off in the bathroom, told you it was true love,and then disappeared? Trust me. You're not. So why don't you buy yourself a drink, and fall in love with somebody else?" He said barely taking a breath

"What did you just call him." I said, anger flowing through my veins.
"Oh honey I called him a cocktail slut." He says condescendingly which lead me to slamming his head on the bar and threatening him till he told me he was in the fairy tail in boys town.

I walked outside and towards boys town leaving the bike I never wanted.

As I entered the club the music was loud and the lights where strobing all around me, as soon as I walked in I could see Ian giving this old dude a lap dance in Tiny, sparkly black shorts. "What the fuck Ian!"

Authors note

They are finally seeing eachother again

Happy day/night

To be or not to be (male oc X Ian)Where stories live. Discover now