What the fuck have we done

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Present time

Ares pov

As I sat in the sarges bed smoking another cigarette all I could think about was Ian. Did he try and call me? Did he ever ask Kevin about me? If he called me would he have left a message? Probably not.

"Hey, your awake!" Sarge said while climbing on the bed next to me kissing my neck as I smiled "hey sarge!" He scowled jokingly "come on call me Rick!" He suddenly pinned one of my arms to the bed.

In a burst of Anger, I suddenly lifted my legs and kicked him in the stomach, before he can react I ran out the door without my shoes or anything.

As I ran parallel to the El, I could feel peoples eyes on me, probably because I looked insane running through the Southside with no shoes on and hair sticking to my face.

"AYE ARES STOP!" I was pushed to the ground as my face was smushed against the side walk. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN! I was worried sick" the male voice pulled me from the warm concrete and my eyes met with my brothers concerned face.

"Nowhere" I mumbled as I walked to the Gallagher house whilst ignoring Mickey.
No one was home so I just walked up the stairs and went into Ian's room.

I looked under the bed because it's where we always used to hide things for each other (mainly cigarettes). "YES!" I shouted as I pulled one of Ian Hoodies, I put my hand back under the bed and felt at the very back by the wall. There it is my spare phone, it was the only phone Ian and I would text on cause terry used to steal my phone and go through my messages.

I saw a voicemail from 2 months ago it was from Ian, as I played the recording his voice was like honey in my ears. "hey Babe I'm going to do something dumb and I just wanted you to know I love you and I miss you and well your the only one I need! So just don't forget me, I love you Ares Milkovich goodbye".

He said goodbye. I'm the only one he needs?! "What the fuck have I done" i stood up from the floor, put on Ian's hoodie and walked out the house with no end goal in site.

My breath felt heavy, was it my fault Ian left? If I was here he wouldn't have run away we would be joining...the army. It's Impossible he couldn't have he's underage. But then again it's Ian and once he wants to do something he doesn't give up.

Fucking hell Ian what have you done.

Ik it's a short chapter but it's just to keep the story moving.
I know Ares has lots of mood swings that part of his character and it will fit in later I promise.

Have a good day/night and don't forget to vote and comment

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