Fifteen - Part 1

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I need validation. 

I speed down the staircase, two steps at a time. Holding in my arms multiple clothing options, from pants to skirts, dresses to blouses, I make my way to the living room. I turn each corner in a hurry, I can't waste any more time as my first day of high school starts at 9 o'clock. (Well, 9:15, but the time is still ticking away.)

It is currently 8:40. Not worrying at all...

Peeking my head through the archway linking the kitchen to our favorite room of our 2 story home, I discover, as I had guessed right, my older sister. Her back turned, I stare at her curly thick brown hair in a braid. It makes her seem more put-together than she actually is and it's not like she attempts to hide her messy personality. I bet Lucas arranged her hair in this hairdo. He enjoys playing the hairdresser on Marsha and I, though I prefer keeping my hair down.

Anyway, she was supposed to get me out of bed half an hour ago and she did not..! My sibling also doesn't appear to be dressed for high school either.

   "Marsha..! What do I wear?", I wail, running to stand in front of the TV.

She tries scooting over to continue watching her show, but seeing my helpless expression, my sister pauses her episode of New Girl. I whirl around, staring at the screen for a second before spinning back to my sister. The image of Nick frozen on the screen is hilarious, he looks like a squirrel. That weirdly reminds me of Lucas' cheeks. My little brother's face is the opposite of the actor, since he has a prominent jawline, especially for a 13 year old. I did not inherit that feature. Shifting her gorgeous dark blue eyes that I sadly also didn't get from our father (really, I got the worst attributes of my parents..!) on my several outfits, Marsha announces:

   "The sluttier, the better. Now, scoot your little butt, I want to finish this before school."

   "Marsh! That is not the vibes I'm attempting to give off. Help me!", I groan.

Her comment surprised me, to be frank here. My 17 year old sibling is not really risky with her oversized sweatshirts and sweatpants and so her proposition genuinely came out of nowhere in my opinion. Maybe she thinks the look would fit me because of my pink hair..? I mean, my mom considers my hair colour inappropriate for my age, but... No, my sister doesn't share the same position as our mother, right?

Since my sibling has already taken the television remote in her hand, she sighs, putting it back on the couch. She questions me:

   "What do you want to channel in your attire?"

She is going at it with smart words, maybe to frighten me so I leave her alone. No, I'm staying. She can use fancy words such as "ricotta" or "craquelin", I won't abandon my annoying middle child role. My stomach rumbles as I answer:

   "I don't know, cute freshman that every boy develops a crush on, you know. It's really vague."

She snorts, teasing me:

   "I thought you didn't know what you wanted... So how could I truly understand?"

NOT impressed and hungrier by the minute, I roll my eyes, snapping back:

   "Well, I do know, just stated it, Einstein."

   "Actually, you said "you know" like I knew... Which I don't."

Why is she trying to pick a fight this morning of all mornings? We are late AND it's my first day in high school.

   "No. Did not!", I utter childishly.

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