The Class

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Elizabeth always had this great fear of being discriminated against by others when it came to telling them her big dreams and plans. Luckily was there to always support her and to helo her make that big leap of Faith into the unknown. She decided to open up about acting, how it was always something she has always wanted to be an actress since she saw "Americas Funniest Home Videos". One day she was talking to me about acting and how there were classes not far from here but she wasn't sure if she should go for it or not.

"Are you crazy?! This is your one shot into the big world you've been dreaming of since you were 3. Plus you're a natural and can nail every audition you choose to take on." I said

"No. no I can't I wont be good enough, they'll all laugh at me and tell me im dumb that I dont belong on the big screen, let along the camera. They won't like me, and I'll be stuck in this god forsaken town full of meth heads and rednecks. No offense to you, you're the better version of them, you're my favorite one." exhaled Elizabeth.

I looked at her with the "um thanks i guess" look as she looked at me with fear and utter rejection. The longer she thought about it the more her fear started to show through.

"No I can't, I won't be good. Do you think I will be good? NO no I can't " she exclaimed

I don't know how but I convinced her to send in her admission video to the company. A few weeks later she got an email with her getting accepted into the acting class theater. A month later and she has already impressed her instructor and others at the class. I'm always excited for when she gets out so I can hear about everything she leamed and what she has done so tar to impress them even more. I think she found her nappiness, because every time we talk she has the brightest smile on her face and rambles on like Robin from Stranger Things. I love it because she's finally going for something she as always wanted to do, and it's her happy place, the one place she can go to escape her own problems.

"Hey wanna be my manager?" She asked.

"I mean I kinda already thought I was in charge of your life choices anyway?" I asked.

We both laughed as she showed me what all she wanted me to do as her manager. I looked in awe as she showed me everything and thought "wow she's actually got this! I can't believe she close to becoming an actress and making it big time!" Realizing my best friend could become famous and still want me by her side, is something she debated on two months ago and now she's closer to my man than I ever thought about becoming.

"So when I get famous, and I will, I'm going to find Pete and when I find him I'm going to tell him he's stupid for choosing dumb celebrities, my best friend is a lot better than them and she will actually be able to handle all of our mental issues and other bad things you have going on." She preaches constantly.

"Oh I know you keep telling me this, one day ima turn around and see this 6"3 lanky dude looking at me all sorts of ways" I said

She always has this plan of finding Pete Davidson when she gets famous and sending him my way, which I'm definitely not opposed to at all! I mean after we both suffer from ptsd, mental illness and other disorders, so I mean if anything I can help him when he decides it's time for one of the moods to come out. After all when I decide to bring out one of my moods I watch his videos that I know will make me laugh and forget my moods came out.

The weirdest thing so far is my last story was a whole fictional story, but like chapters 4-8 my stories became a real life thing. She says my stories are manifestations that are coming true without me actually manifesting them. The more I watched what was being told on google news feed, the more I thought her reasoning about my stories were right. So I thought maybe if I write more possible things that could happen, maybe I can get closer to seeing him.

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