Wheels Rolling

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As we were sitting Elizabeth started to introduce the dude she had been keeping from her best friend all this time, which I kind of was doing the same with Pete by secretly talking to him when she wasn't around or looking.

"Oh hey by the way this is Dacre, Dacre this is obviously Pete you've already met and my favorite best friend Bailynnd." Elizabeth smirked

I rolled my eyes yet smiled because she wasn't wrong I was the favorite I mean who else would leave home come to a town we've never been to sell our products and live together. They compliment each other on how they look. Pete looks at me with lust and trying not to drool almost, he awkwardly puts his hand on my leg. I shyly look down at his hand on my leg look up at him and complimented on his attire tonight. He licked his lip, smirked, then wiped his mouth with his free hand.

"Thanks I just threw stuff together last minute" he laughed "you though you look amazing! Definitely a lot nicer than your usual work attire, I didn't think you could look better behind the counter in sweats and baggy shirt but I was completely wrong."

As we looked at the menu, not like I needed to because I get the same thing every time, I felt his hand getting closer and closer towards my inner thigh. I could sense he was kind of nervous about doing it, I was nervous about how far he was actually going to go. We looked at each other with the comfort smile, he then decided to go further up. He was almost across the comfort zone line when the waitress came and asked if we were ready to order. He jerked his hand back trying to make it not obvious he was doing stuff under the table.

He clears his throat as he anxiously answered "uh yeah I think I'm ready if you guys are, Are you ready babe?"

We all ordered and while we waited we made small talk amongst the table. I would glance at Elizabeth as she would mumble "ask him are you guys a thing" as I told her no she, as always took it upon herself to ask him.

"Hey so anyway good talk my turn, since she's too chicken to ask ima ask myself. Are you guys a couple or what? I'm getting tired of her constantly smiling at her phone and you coming in the store and all y'all do is gander at one another. Like either date or don't talk which is it?" She said rabid

I buried my head in my hands and apologized for how crazy and involved my best friend had gotten into whatever it was we had going. She was right though we do need to either label it or burn it.

He wrapped his arm around me pulled me so close all I could smell was his one body scrub brand he always buys. Looks at me with a side smile trying to hide it "um I mean I'm down to make it a thing but definitely not to the public, because I know she's not about that life yet and I don't want to make her super uncomfortable."

"I mean I get that and totally respect you for your concern with her privacy and feelings. Just don't hurt her or make her feel insecure about anything." She noted

It was quiet through dinner while everyone ate, once we were all full we discussed on where to spend the rest of the night. Of course Elizabeth was going home with Dacre, Pete asked what I had planned.

"Probably walk back home get in my pajamas and watch movies in bed on my laptop." I mentioned

He looked kinda bummed at the fact that I fully planned out my night. Of course Elizabeth wasn't going to let that fly.

"Hey why don't you just go hang with Pete get to actually know him better, stop being such a homebody and adventure out of your comfort zone." She nudged

"Fine but in getting my cow pajamas and house shoes I'm staying somewhat in my comfort zone and nobody can stop me" I argued

She rolled her eyes but agreed while he smirked at how cute the fact that I had cow pajamas and it was my comfort zone. I mention I'm going to run to the house to grab a few things, Pete offers to drive but I tell him it won't take me but 2 minutes no need to waste gas. I ran to grab my things and met him back in front of the restaurant, he grabs my hand as we head to his car. We drove to the pier up from the first place I ever met him, he strolled out to the end just talking about each other and how the night was perfect.

"Look I may not be the best thing ever or perfect, but I'm going to try my hardest to do everything your exes failed at. I'm done seeing you happy then a month later your miserable and just there for publicity. Iv studied and thought about what they did wrong. Thing is they are so about you till your mental health and disorders come out and they don't know how to handle them. Dude iv been there I have some to this day thanks to a few guys, but I'm not going to walk away when it gets rough and you have your bad days. I'm going to work my ass off to make sure you never have those bad days anymore and when you do I'm still going to be here stronger than ever to make those bad days better." I rambled

"Look your seriously the first one to ever say anything like that to me. For someone to actually want to stick around on my bad days and help me means more to me than you'll ever know. I have some pretty rough days, so I hope your able to hold on because your in for a ride. Better yet."

At that moment he kissed me and he wasn't backing down anytime soon. I felt a drop on my cheek as it gradually started raining we ran back to his car and headed to his house. As I sat in the passenger seat wrapped up in his jacket with his one hand around me I took in the rainy city sights. As he pulled me closer I let out a sigh and laid my head on his side, we pulled into his driveway as the rain started pounding harder than our hearts as he grabbed my chin and pulled me into a long wet hot make out session.

Trying not to get soaked from the downpour we ran inside as I pondered for the bathroom to get my dry pajamas on, or so he thought that's what I was doing. His back turned watching some tv I walk out with a sign of being glad to be in dry clothes, he turns to see the complete opposite of what I packed. His eyes examined the tan legs, stomach with abs, with some surprises. Trying not to devour me like the dessert he had as he looked at me with tons of questions.

"Are... are you sure that's what your comfortable wearing? Don't do anything that doesn't make you comfortable, I promise I am completely fine taking my time if that's what you want." He stumbles to get the words out while hugging me.

"Shut up I'm done being in my comfort zone, I'm to the point in life if it's meant to be it'll happen if not atleast I can say I had my chance. The way you looked at me when you turned around, that thought you had I want you to put those thoughts into actions. I can take the late shift at work tomorrow I don't care I want my night with you like we've always joked about, now rip this jacket off my body and let's do this." I demanded

He rips the only thing barely covering my body as he picks me up, as I'm hovering a little over him he tossed me on the bed and towers over me. As we're both palpitating at this point he looks at me with the "you sure you're ready" eyes, I give him the acknowledgement of yes do it now. He wraps his hand around my throat as he struggles to get in, hours later we lay side by side sweaty and struggling to breathe. He looks at me like he has been looking for someone to be as easy going and free will spirit as me, he smiles as he leans over to kiss my forehead.

"You know I'm kinda glad your best friend meddled in our life, tonight couldn't be more perfect, like you're so easy going and easy to be around. Speaking of being around... um I know it's kind of sudden but I have a premiere thing in a few months if it's not too sudden would you want to be my date I'll try to figure out a way to get you in without publicity seeing you." He asked

"Screw it I mean if you think we feel right and can make it last let's let them see us and we can be public. After all they will eventually find out so why not sooner than later." I implied

"I mean if your 100% sure, I am okay with it. Why do I feel like this is going to be the easiest and most fun relationship I'm ever going to have? I can't wait to walk with you so close to me and everyone asking who this smoking hot thing is on my side." He anxiously noted.

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