Casa de loco

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"So do you like this place? I know you've only been in it for like a week and 2 days now, but just wanted your opinion on it." He stuttered

"Uh yeah.. it's really nice, and definitely better than what I anticipated houses here looking like. It really has an amazing view of almost everything." I noted

I'm serious this was a 12 bedroom house with 8 bathrooms, 4 living rooms, a huge balcony on both levels to see the ocean from the back and the city and mountains from the front.

"Okay great because it's ours, and because I love you so much and everything about you I even had the key made in cow print. I also somehow managed to find a keychain wristlet that's cow print, and you better love it all those people looked at me like I was the one with the weird cow obsession. I know you have to stay in America but I thought this could be our vacation home or our first home." He explained

My brain is trying to process what just happened, first we elope while we're eloping I got a country to sell my stuff, and now we've got our first house together. Don't get me wrong I'm completely in love with everything that's happening, I just never thought all of this at once could happen to not only me but us.

"So I have been doing some planning and I can't wait for you to get back so I can show you my ideas for your wedding based off what you want." Messaged Elizabeth

As I look up at Pete from my phone I froze. "Oh crap she doesn't know, how am I going to let her know? If I show her now she'll be mad because she wasn't here for it. If I wait till I get there she'll get mad because again she wasn't there and not only will she kill me she'll kill you."

After the trip we had landed and I headed straight for Elizabeth to tell her everything that happened. Before I could even begin she started showing me everything she came up with for my big day.

"Um about that... I'm kinda already married." I stuttered

"Well yeah when you get engaged your technically married I know how that works gah." She angrily said

"No no I am already Pete's wife like we said "I do" and I have his last name." I said backing up

She throws all the papers, at this time is snowing papers of her ideas, as she looks at me with disappointment and confusion she connected the dots and I was ready to run.

"So you mean to tell me you went to Australia with just Pete and you eloped without even thinking about telling me so I could try and be there or atleast watch via FaceTime?" She yelled

"Yeahhhh that's not all... we also got our first house, oh! Also we got Australia selling our sugar scrubs now I signed the contract and everything we're getting 75% commission since we will be making and shipping." I joked

"Uh huh cool I don't care, what I do care about is that you went and eloped in Australia by yourself and Pete nobody else around. Then you went and got a house with him, all while I'm back here helping plan your wedding that's not going to happen now. Great, fantastic, wonderful." She yelled storming off

Somewhere between her trying to figure out everything and upset that she wasted all the time making a binder of every little detail, Pete walked in to All the chaos.

"Well she handled that better than I thought she would, so I'm going to assume it's a no on lunch today?" He asked

"Probably not I'm going to stay here and try to calm her down and explain everything better to her but we can definitely do dinner tonight." I planned

Quick kiss I ran off to find Elizabeth to explain it was a spur of the moment thing, we were still planning on having an actual wedding with our family later.

Later that night at dinner with Pete waiting on our food, I fumbled through the pages of the wedding binder Liz made. To my surprise she had everything I wanted down to the napkins, I get to the men's outfit Pete begins to disapprove of everything because it's "not his style."

"You do realize this came from my Pinterest board years ago when we dreamed of what our big day would be like? Your telling me you wouldn't wear the laziest laid back suit I could have picked out for you?" I asked

"Let me see it I can't see crap from upside down, and no sarcastic comments from you either.... Okay maybe I'd wear some of these, but I find it kinda scary weird you already had this picked out and how accurate you are at choosing my whole outfit. Hold on you chose pink flowers, you can't even stand the color pink. I know because it's the only color in my closet that doesn't smell like you, please tell me it's not cow print themed I'll let you do anything you want just don't make it cow print honey no." He rambled

"Look we eloped in Australia because you wanted to be married to me so bad, so this is the least I could get out of the whole wedding ordeal. Besides it's not like I'm making you wear cow print, I could but I love you enough to not torture you that bad. The other thing is we have to do this when the weather isn't going to mess with your... you know."

"Honey we can do it whenever I don't care at this point in the backyard or flying everyone to Australia to our house there would be perfect for me, we have room to accommodate Elizabeth, Dacre,your family, my mom, and my sister." He noted

My heart dropped to my stomach when I realized his dad wasn't in the picture and hasn't been since he was 7. His dad died on 9/11 during the terrorist attack, he was one of the many inside the tower trying to save as many lives as possible.

After the passing of his dad that day is when Pete started developing most of his mental health issues, the least I could do is make a spot for him in the wedding so he to could be part of his boys big day.

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