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°just a side note, I'm gonna be putting the TW on every chapter, I just wanna make sure everyone is aware of what this book will contain! Anyways enjoy!!°

(TW: possible internalized homophobia, traumatic events, mention of eating disorders, homophobia, mentions of sex and sexualization (possible nsfw), mentions of religious trauma, depression (low self esteem), anxiety, swearing, homophobic slurs, mentions of suicide, mentions of murder, mentions of death)

After the first day it's been pretty good! People have been bothering me less, Eddie is like a scary dog. Anyone who bothers me get scared off by him and his overly dramatic moments. Eddie founded this club called hellfire, it's for DND, but he lets me hang around, even though I don't know anything about DND. It's pretty interesting watching them play though! I have friends, something I thought I'd have to give up. None of them care that I'm a lesbian, and none of them know about my crush, and it's gonna stay that way.

Though I love Chrissy, and she deserves waaaay better than douchebag Jason, she's happy, and that's all the matters.

Eddie and I have gotten pretty close, I'd say he's my best friend, even though he's annoying. We hang out a lot, we go to the forest out by his trailer park and chill, he smokes weed, I don't really enjoy smoking so make sure he doesn't do anything dumb while he's high.

Tonight we decided to hang out at my house, which unfortunately is across from Jason's house, where a party is being held for the new basketball season.

I stare at the house across from mine, glowing with flashing lights and blaring loud music. I wonder if Chrissy is gonna be there.
"We should go and wreak their party" Eddie shouts tossing the magazine he was reading to the side.
"No we should not, we are hated as is, the last thing we need is to seriously piss off Jason." I say turning my gaze to Eddie.

He hums as he thinks.
" We should go to the party, which will upset them, and wreak their party." He said adding a smile to the end.

I give him my disapproving mother look as I shift my weight to one leg and put my hand on my hip.

I shake my head at him
" No thanks, I'd rather not piss off every jock our school has to offer." I pass by him " you hungry?"

He groans in disappointment before giving dramatically sigh
" Yeah, we should order pizza." He said poking at something as he emphasizes the fact that he's sulking.
I give a faint okay as I walk to the phone and order pizza. After doing so Eddie and I walk to the living and pick out a movie to watch. We agreed on Halloween, gotta love Micheal Myers!
As the movie starts the door bell rings, I jump up grab my wallet and go to answer the door.
I open it, and to my surprise it isn't pizza.
"Stacy?" I look at her confused.
"Heeey girly! I just wanted to come over and make sure you were invited to the party. I'm sure you noticed! We really want you there!" She said with a grin.

Looking her up and down, trying to figure out is she's being honest or not. Then suddenly Eddie pushes me out of the way "we would love to go Stacy!" She looks at him with slightly disgust.
"Riiiight, well you're free to come anytime sweetie!" With that she turned and made her way back to the party.

"What the hell Eddie?" I ask as I close the door and face him
"Oh come on, we just got an invitation to trash their party!"
He says with a giggle
"Or we got an invitation to be publicly humiliated, more so that we already are!" I say with a frustrated sigh
"Oh come on, just give me the chance to do it. I can't go without backup. We won't be gone even 30 minutes." He says with puppies eyes and a pleading smile.

I scoff and sigh
"Fine, but only 30 minutes. Any time past that and I'm out!"
He jumped with excitement as he ran off to grab his stuff.
I set money out for the pizza man and a note telling him to leave it on the porch.

The we head over.
I got a terrible feeling about this. I follow Eddie and he leads the match over there. We walk through the house to the back where the pool, and the party is. People are drinking, dancing, and getting too touchy feely with each other. As we push forward, Eddie runs ahead, leaving me behind.
After desperately trying to find him, I gave up and decided to sit near the pool, which no one was in. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jump to see who has come to harass me this time, only to find Chrissy standing there, with two solo cups in her hands.

I couldn't move, we met eyes and time was frozen yet again. Until it was interrupted by her voice.
"Hey y/n"
"Oh, h-hi Chrissy" I say with an awkward smile.
"I saw you walk in with Eddie. I figured you'd be thirsty or something so I got you a drink!" She said softly holding out one of the cups to me.
"Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you" I say taking it from her hand, I touched her hand slightly as a grabbed the cup and felt electricity, metaphorically. I smile to myself, she thought of me? I thought she'd hate me like everyone else. Suddenly I could hear roaring of male voices approaching me. I turn to see the source of the sound only to be met with Jason pushing me. I stumble backwards a bit before losing my balance at the edge of the pool, falling in.

For a second I hardly knew what happened.
Everything was quiet.
Suddenly I remembered I need to breath air, not water.
I open my eyes and resurface gasping for the breath that left me the second he pushed me.
"Come one, come all, take the once in a life time chance to see the freak show in person!"
Jason bellowed as he stood above me.
Everyone was laughing and some starting throwing stuff at me.
Chrissy looked at me with nothing but pity, I looked back at her with anger and embarrassment. She quickly turned her gaze to Jason, her expression changing from soft pity to a cold glare.
"Jason! What was that for?"
She stated angrily as she balled up her fists.
" What do you mean babe?" He puts his hands up in an innocent manner. Stacy scoffs "shes just getting what she deserves, I mean seriously, like we would ever invite a homo to our party." Stacy let out another obnoxious laugh. Eddie appeared, pushing through the crowd and pulling me out of the water. "Looks like your folks are gonna have to deep clean the pool Jason! Don't want the homo to spread!" A jock from the basketball team shouts, as people laugh and make jokes.
" Hey, you okay? I can take them on you know!" Eddie says as he helps me up.
"No I just wanna go home" I say holding back sobs.

Eddie grabbed my Arm and began leading me out the house, Chrissy stopped us before we exited the house.
"Y/n! I'm so sorry-"
"It doesn't matter Chrissy!" I shout, making her jump.
"Stacy's right, I got what I deserve. I don't belong with you guys anymore."
I tried holding back the tears but to no avail.
"Just leave me alone." I say softly before continuing my way back to my house.

As we approached the door we were met with a pizza box. I picked it up and open the door inside
I place it on the counter.
"You okay?" Eddie ask with a concerned look on his face.
"Do I look okay." I snap.
He gave me a guilty look in return.
"I'm sorry. It's just, I knew something was up." I say as between sobs. Eddie engulfed me in a hug, rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me.
Despite being the most feared kid in school, he's really sweet when you need a shoulder to cry on.

Once I finally calmed down, I decided to take a shower to wash off all the chlorine and alcohol from the cups thrown at me. Eddie decided to eat and watch Halloween while I do so.
Once I finished I went into the living room and sat next to Eddie.
"I know Ive asked this a lot, but I just wanna make sure. Are you okay?" He said in a soft tone.
"I have a crush on Chrissy."
I say in a monotone voice.
Suddenly Eddie stiffened and looked at me with a sympathy and remorse. "I don't think I can face her again after that." I say with a sigh.
"I'm sure you will someday." He said as he turned his attention back to the movie.

Once the movie was over, and the pizza all eaten, Eddie decided to go back to his trailer, which left me alone, again. Sometimes I wish I wasn't an only child, that I had parents who cared enough to have jobs in town. Instead they travel and are rarely home.
I sigh as I lay in bed trying to forget the events of the day.
Slowly closing my eyes and allowing sleep to take over.

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