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Sorry this took a while, I wasn't sure how to go about this part

Also can we talk about how this story is ranked 17 in Chrissy Cunningham??? How did this happen??? Thank you!?!?

(TW: possible internalized homophobia, traumatic events, mention of eating disorders, homophobia, mentions of sex and sexualization (possible nsfw), mentions of religious trauma, depression (low self esteem), anxiety, swearing, homophobic slurs, mentions of suicide, mentions of murder, mentions of death)

The warm rays of sun shone on my face, awaking me from my sleep. I run my eyes and open them to see Chrissy Cunningham staring at me. Suddenly I remembered everything that happened the night previous. She noticed I woke up and sat up.

"Morning Chrissy" I say with a scratchy voice, due to just waking up.
"M-morning!" She says, not looking at me.
"You okay?" I asked

"Yea! Um could I borrow some clothes?" She asks as she stands up.

"Sure, you can pick out anything from my closet if you want." I say back.
"Thank you." She says with a smile, she glances and me then quickly looks away. She walks over and picks out a shirt and skirt then goes to the bathroom to change.

She's acting weird, did I upset her or something? I shake my head and pick out my outfit for the day, and begin to change.
As I took off my shirt my bedroom door opens, I quickly look and see Chrissy there.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry!!" She says quickly, as she quickly closed the door.
What the hell was that? She was blushing? I didn't think she would be bothered by seeing me changing, I mean, she doesn't see me in a romantic manner or anything.

I quickly finish changing, then open the door to see her sitting on the floor next to my door.

"Are you okay? You're acting kinda weird." I ask looking down at her as she covers her face.
"U-um yea, I'm fine. I think I'm gonna head home! My aunt's probably worries about me." She says as she stands up as looks at me.
"Okay, if you want. Let me walk you out!" I say
"NO! Um- there's no need, I know the way out! I'll see you later!" She quickly says before running off twords the exit.

Okay, something's off...

I decide to finish getting ready for the day. But I couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Chrissy earlier. I can't help but worry, I hope she is okay.

I promised Eddie since I kicked him out last night that I'd hang out with him today. Which today involves us going to a restaurant and me paying for his food.
We went to a diner, where he of course ordered the most expensive thing he could. After we ate, he wanted to go to the movie theaters.
To which I declined, if much rather stay home.
As he was driving us to my house he glanced at me.
"So how'd it go with Chrissy last night? Did you sweep her off her feet?" He joked

I scoff and shake my head
" It was fine, we watched a movie and talked. She stayed the night since it was pretty late when we were done." I chuckle as I look out the window.
"She was acting kinda weird this morning. It's strange, we're always so off and on. Like one moment we are cool and the next she's acting weird. I don't know, maybe it's nothing." I sigh.

"What kind of weird?" He asked
"Like a 'im creeped out' weird or a ' I like you and don't wanna tell you' kinda weird"
"I don't know, I think the creeped out one."

"You sure? How was she acting weird." He asked as we pulled up to my driveway.

"When I woke up she wouldn't look at me, then she tried to rush home. Oh she also saw me changing and totally flipped." I say as I get out of Eddie's car.
" Sounds like Chrissy has a crush on you." He says in a mocking tone as we walk side by side to my house.
"I highly doubt that, I think she just wanted to get away, asap." I unlock the door and walk inside.
" Ah, typical Y/N. Deny the truth all you want, it doesn't change the facts." He says as he sorts through my movies.
" I'm not denying! I just find it hard to believe Chrissy Cunningham, queen of Hawkins, can like me, Y/N, the schools abomination." I emphasize the titles we've been given.
" Truth is difficult." He shrugs as he puts the movie he picked.
"Yea, whatever." I sigh as a sit down next to Eddie and watch the movies he picked out.

We ended up watching movies until around 5pm, which is when Eddie had to go home to his uncle.
I ended up eating leftovers from earlier that day for dinner. As I was getting ready to go to bed I heard the doorbell go off.

I rush to answer the door, Eddie always forgets his shit. I scoff as I open the door. To my surprise, it wasn't Eddie. It was Chrissy.
"Oh! Hey Chrissy! You okay?" I ask after noticing her nervous fidgeting.
"Um, maybe? I need to talk to you, it's really important!" She says while checking over her shoulder.

"Okay! Come on in!" I say
She smiles, relieved.
Just before she walked in someone shouted her name from across the street. We both turn to see Jason approaching.

"What are you doing Chrissy?" He said speed walking up to my door
"Don't touch her!" He said as he pulled her away "she'll make you gay too!" He stood between Chrissy and I.
I glare at him, as he matches my energy.
"I need to talk to her" Chrissy says in a quiet voice, clearly scared of him.
"No. You don't talk to that thing" he said to her pointing at me when referring to the 'thing'

"How about you mind your business Jason." I say stepping forward.
He turned his head from Chrissy to me. He stepped closer, not close enough to touch.
"You stay away from my girlfriend. It's bad enough you're in my school, last thing I need is you to turn her into a fag." He said giving me a slight push back.
"Let's go Chrissy" he said grabbing her arm and dragging her to his house.
She turned back to me and mouthed 'im sorry' to me before Jason slammed his car door. He shoved her in the car like she was getting arrested. He's a piece of shit.

I growl as he drives off with Chrissy in the passenger seat.

God I hate him.
I close the door and continue getting ready for bed.

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