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(TW: possible internalized homophobia, traumatic events, mention of eating disorders, homophobia, mentions of sex and sexualization (possible nsfw), mentions of religious trauma, depression (low self esteem), anxiety, swearing, homophobic slurs, mentions of suicide, mentions of murder, mentions of death)

I wake up with the loud noise of my alarm. I grumble as I turn it off and groggly get out of bed. I begin my morning routine. By the time I finish Eddie is knocking at my door to go to school. I grab my bag as I Eddie and I run to his car and drive to school.

As we drive we talk about new bands, music, and pretty much anything, until we make it to the school.
We wait in the car until there is 5 minutes left until classes start.
Today is just like every other Monday. We had a pop quiz in English, and the rest of the classes we boring. Eventually we made it to lunch!
My favorite class period.
Eddie and I walk side by side to the cafeteria, that is until everything goes black.

I open my eyes and I'm on the floor while Eddie is shaking me, there's a throbbing pain on my left cheek.
"Shit, what the hell" I say as I sit up to figure out what the hell just happened. I look up and see a VERY pissed off Jason.
" Y/n you bitch. I told you to stay away from Chrissy!"
He said as he walked over to me.
I stand up.
"I haven't talked to her since yesterday you asshole!" I say
That asshole just punched me!!
He grabbed ahold of my shirt and pushes me up against a wall.
I grab his hands in hopes I can make him let go
"Oh yeah? Then why the hell does she have YOUR clothes?"
He asks as he pushes me into the wall again.
"That is MY girlfriend! MINE, you stay the hell away you demonic bitch!!" He says as he hit me against the wall a few times.

"STOP!" A female voice makes everyone there go silent.
I look for the source, Jason turned as we both found the girl, Chrissy.
"What the HELL are you DOING??" She shouts as she approaches Jason.
" I'm making sure this faggot doesn't bother you anymore!" He said turning his attention back to me.
"No, you're using my sexuality as an excuse to beat the shit out of someone." My words dripping with anger.
"You shut up-" Jason began
"No you shut up Jason!" Chrissy cut him off.
" You've changed. You use to be nice and caring. Now you're beating people up because, what, I wore her clothes??" Chrissy shouted at him.
"Im done with you. I can't love a piece of shit like you. Y/n and I are friends. GET OVER IT! I'm not you're property, and now I'm not you're girlfriend!" Chrissy's words seeped with venom.
I've never seen her so angry, to be honest it's kinda hot.
Jason let me go and faced Chrissy.
"What? You can't break up with me!" He said to her
"I can and I am! We are done Jason." She said as she walked over to me.
"You're choosing that abomination over me??" He shouts, clearly pissed.
"Yea I am. Unlike you I actually LIKE y/n. I dont even know who you are anymore." She said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind her. "Come on y/n, let's get out of here." She smiled at me and she dragged me outside the school, Eddie close behind.

We get outside the building, as we slow down and come to a hault we here shouting from behind us.
All three of us turn around to see the basketball team coming after us, "umm, that's not good." Eddie states.
"Yea, obviously. We need to go, they probably think I used the power of Satan to make you dump his ass." I say with a laugh..
"I know a place we can hide for the day!" Eddie says as he turns to lead us.
We follow him through the woods until we reach a clearing in the woods, with a picnic table in the center.
"Woah, this is kinda cool" I say as I sit down.
Chrissy looks around nervously.
"Um, we should probably get those wounds fixed up!" Chrissy pauses and looks at eddie
"Could you go get a first aid kit or something?" She asks in a pleading manner, giving him puppy eyes. With an exaggerated sigh Eddie walks away, once he was no longer visible Chrissy turns to me.
"I can't believe I just did that."
She looked petrified
" I mean, I don't regret it, I don't love him anymore! But still, I mean I just never thought I'd do that!" She says, as she paces in front of me.
"I'm glad?" I say, getting lost.
" Which reminds me! I wanted to talk to you! This time Jason won't ruin it so...." She trails off slowing her pacing down.
"Okay? What did you want to talk about?" I ask
She looks at me and takes a deep breath before begining.
"Okay. This is gonna sound really weird..... I don't like women. I mean like in a Romantic way, you know? Like I like women, as friends. I just- I don't LOVE women." She pauses her pacing and faces twords me
" Yea?" I say completely lost.
"And yet I love you." She says as she cups my face
"You do?" I ask, very confused.
" Yes! I've felt is for a bit now, ever since we met in the bathroom, when you told me that you were there for me. At first I thought that it was just me liking you for thinking of me and my emotions but then I spent the night and when I woke up, you were still asleep. I couldn't help but watch you, and all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss you!" She spits out her words to an almost inhuman level.
"I'm confused" I say, still lost.
"I don't love Jason, I love you!" She shouts
I pause, taken aback by what she just said.
After processing for a second I realize what she said.
My eyes widen as I gasp
"Y-you do?"
I ask, afraid she'll take it back.
"Yes! Ive never felt this way for another girl! It's just so...... Confusing!" She shouts in frustration.

"Oh." I say disappointed
"It's just- how did you know when you liked girls?" She asked blushing, though it's hard to tell if it's from embarrassment or frustration.
"Um, well I always liked boobs. Oh and I never felt attracted to men."
She sighs.
"But Ive liked men. You! You are the only girl I've ever felt this way for!"
She said plopping down next to me, as she rubbed her face.

"It happens. I mean you could be bisexual. When you like men and women." I suggest

"But I DONT like women!"
She says meeting my eyes.

"Well I'm honored to be the one girl you do like" I joke.
She chuckled and shook her head.
"I just don't know what's wrong with me!" She says dropping her smile.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could help you, but I'm not like you. I've ONLY loved women." I say with a sympathetic look.

She looks at me as she lights up.
"Do you think, you could maybe, I mean if you're okay with it, that you kiss me, or the other way around if that's what you want?" She slowly got quieter the farther she got in her sentence, looking down to avoid making eye contact.
I'd be lying if i said I wasn't shocked.
"I'm, s-sure! If it'll help?" I say in a more questioning tone than I wanted.

" R-really?" She looked up, her face red from embarrassment.
"Uh yea! Just um, when you're ready, I guess." I say equally as awkward and embarrassed.
"O-okay. I'm ready when ever you are." She said softly.

Okay. This is it y/n. This is the moment you've been dreaming of. Don't mess it up.

I face her, and we make eye contact. Suddenly all anxiety and embarrassment evaporated, the second I saw her blue/green eyes.
I cupped her face with my left hand as we got closer, my right hand found it's way to her waist as we got closer. One of her hands rested on my waist while the other ony collarbone. We pause, only inches apart. I move closer, close enough to heel her breath on my lips. Slowly, I close the gap between our lips, and suddenly, the world vanished. Just as I pulled away, she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in again, our lips crashing together, the kiss quickly becoming more intense by the second. Our quick kiss to see if she really liked me quickly changed into a full blown make out session. After realizing I needed oxygen to breath I pulled away, remaining inches away from her face. Both of us panting, while still holding each other close.

Suddenly she chuckled.
"I DEFINITELY have a crush on you." She spoke softly
" The feeling appears to be mutual."
I say with a laugh

"What the hell..." A male voice emerges from the side. We both quickly turn to the voice only to find Eddie standing there, first aid in hand.

"I get the feeling you didn't actually need the first aid." He says slowly, emphasizing 'actually'
" Why do you always gotta end the good moments?" I ask, earning a giggle from Chrissy, I maintain my arm around her waist.

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