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( Im sorry it took so long for an update, I had really bad writers block! But I might be ending this story soon! If I do I'll probably just add some oneshots of "after the story" moments. If you guys have any requests or recommendations I'm all ears!!)

After Chrissy patched me up we sat at the bench trying to think of what we should do now. Ultimately we decided to ditch school and go to my house to watch some movies. Eddie said he'd drive us, but won't stay as he doesn't wanna 'third wheel' or something. Also he has hellfire tonight and doesn't wanna miss that?? I don't know I think he's just making up excuses to get out of being around us right now. Eventually after a very awkward car ride to my house, we arrived. Eddie drove off after we got out of the car, making sure to add a sexual joke before slamming on the gas and ditching us.
I chuckle at his immaturity as Chrissy and I walk hand in hand to my house.
"Are you hungry? I totally forgot we skipped lunch!" I said as I set my stuff down on my counter.
"Uh, yea! I could eat!" She said with a soft smile.
"Okay! I could make something, or order pizza." I list off options.
" You eat pizza a lot don't you." She said laughing, remembering the last time she was over.
"Honestly, I never even realized how much I order pizza" I joined her laughter.
I decide to call my favorite pizza place in town and order and large cheese and pepperoni pizza, with bread sticks of course.

Chrissy went to the living room, figured she could pick the movie while I order the food.
After I place the order I walk into the living room and watch her sort through my collection to find something.
"Find anything you wanna watch?" I question as I walk closer to her.
She quickly jolts around and holds up the movie she chose.
"Grease? Really?" I ask with a chuckle
"Uh, yea! It's a good movie, and has good music! Like hopelessly in love! That's my favorite!" She says as she quickly puts the movie in the vhs player.
I smile as I sit on the couch, she soon follows in suit once the movie starts playing.
I put my arm around her shoulders as we both readjust to get comfortable. I sigh, thinking about what will happen tomorrow at school, or if Jason comes to my house. There's a lot of things that could happen. What I'd Eddie wasn't the only one who saw Chrissy and I earlier in the woods? What if they find out she likes me in a Romantic way?
Finally I decided to speak my mind.
"Hey Chrissy?"
"Yea?" She replied softly.
"What are you gonna do about school? Like if people find out that you like me." I ask, my voice shaking with worry.
She sat up from resting on my chest, and faced me. Her expression confused and worried.
" What do you mean?" She asked.
"It's just that, if they find out that you have feelings for another girl, you're gonna turn out like me." I say to her, trying to get my point across.
Her eyes widened in realization.
She paused
"Well, then we can spend more time together! I mean if they really care about me then they'd be friends with me either way." She say giving me a reassuring smile.
"No, you shouldn't ruin your chances at being in cheer because of me." I say with a slightly stern voice.
She looked sad and concerned
"I- uh, let me rephrase. If we become public you'd lose all chances at, not only being popular, but having a good spot on the cheer team!" I say realizing that what I said before could be misunderstood.
"Well, I don't wanna keep us a secret! I want to be able to hold your hand when we walk to class, and kiss you whenever I want!" She says cupping my injured cheek with her soft hands.
I let out a soft sigh
" Okay, if you want to." I turn my attention back to the movie, and after a few seconds of hesitation she rests her head on my chest again.

After a few minutes of silence between us the doorbell rings. We both get up as I walk to the door to get the food, Chrissy close behind me. I open the door to find, not pizza but a very angry Jason.

Man he does not know when to quit.
He looked at me before noticing Chrissy behind me glaring  daggers.
I scoff at his presence,
"What do you want Jason."
He looks back to me before speaking
"Im here to talk to Chrissy, not you."

"I don't want to talk to you Jason. You can't apologize your way back into a relationship with me." She growled at home.

"I just want to apologize for being a jerk!" He says to her

"Don't apologize to me! Apologize to y/n, and everyone you ever hurt!" She says putting herself between Jason and I.

He scoffed
"Why should I apologize to them? I think y/n in infecting your mind Chrissy." He says with frustration.

"No shes not. We are not getting back together Jason. Im dating someone else now. Someone better then you, who is nice and cares about other people!"
Chrissy says as she pushes him away from the door causing him to stumble back a little. His face covered in shock and dread.
"W-what? Who? It's not Eddie is it? I swear I'll kill him" he says getting angrier by the second.
"No, its not Eddie. And you're not gonna kill HER simply because your a shitty boyfriend." She said emphasizing 'her'.
Jason's eyes widened I'm shock.
"Y/n really has infected you, you don't have to be like th-" he was quickly cut off.
"Goodbye Jason!" She said slamming the door in his face.

"Damn." Was all I could say after watching Chrissy put Jason in his place.
"Let's hope he leaves soon, it would suck if he stayed around when the pizza delivery guy came. Then we'd have to deal with him AGAIN." She said with exaggeration.
All I could do was chuckle and hug her. Hoping I'd never have to let go.

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