𝐂𝐇𝐏 𝟕 - Taunting

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The next few weeks went by rather quickly, the time seeming to listen to Y/n for once in her life. Having tests come and go, outings with others and many silent potion classes for the girl. Although she didn't mind not having him annoy her, it was strange for him to be completely silent the whole time. Not a single word being muttered between Y/n and her potion partner, unlike how chatty the boy had been prior to their little scuffle in the library. Y/n wondered what his problem was.

She had thought about it a bit when his silence started, even found it quite hypocritical that he had said not to ignore him but has now ended up doing that exact thing to her; but she doesn't care enough to try and make him talk.

The only communication that came from him was the occasional nod or scoff he would spit at her when she told him to get her things for projects; she would be happy to do it by herself but no, he just kept showing up to class.

On the days he decided to skip class we're ones where she could breath, not worrying if the guy sitting next to her would randomly decide to jump her for pissing him off. Pansy said she should ask to change partners which she tried, but Slughorn had said all the partners were full so she couldn't change. Arsehole.

But luckily, Y/n had been able to clear her mind in the last week and focus on doing things that made her happy. She would go out with her friends, study with Pansy, practice charms in her dorm room and scare the shit out of Pansy when slightly tweaking them. But the one thing she enjoyed most, was making telling the girls Theodore Nott ghosted, his location. She thought it was only fair after he nut and run'ed them, plus she felt justice for the poor girls when they would give him what he deserved.

Y/n was peacefully sitting in the Slytherin Common room with Blaise having a wonderful conversation, until it was interrupted by the main doors slamming open.

"Y/N HYDE YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Theodore ran into the luckily empty common room with a dishevelled look on his face that reeked of hatred, a pleased smile appearing on her lips at his demise.

"Oh Theodore, how lovely to see you." Y/n waved her hand in his direction, Blaise sitting to her right with a grin on his lips knowing exactly what Y/n had done.

"I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU" Theodore stormed over to the couches they were seated at, his knuckles white as his fingernails dug into his palms.

"Why so? Did something happen?" Y/n batted her eyelashes at Theodore who was ready to Avada Kadabra her but before he could use the new found wand in his hand, Blaise had already taken it from his hand; the perks of a quick reflex.

Theodore growled at Blaise for taking his wand but kept his attention on Y/n, now thinking about just tackling her instead.

"STOP TELLING EVERY WHORE AT HOGWARTS WHERE I AM!" Y/n tsked at the idiot in front of her, placing one of her hands under her chin holding it as if  she was his disappointed mother.

"The way you talk about women is appalling, and I have no idea what your talking about." Theodore almost immediately snapping at her,

"Don't you fucking gaslight me, I know it was you! Go spy on that fucking psychopath you love so much INSTEAD OF ME!"

He was yelling rather loud, his voice bouncing off the walls and echoing down the corridor. Y/n's eyebrows furrowing at his assumption of who she was in 'love' with.

"Keep your voice down unless you want Snape to come in and give you a detention." Blaise cut in before Y/n could reply, his voice coming off smug but assertive. Theodore chose to ignore him completely and get back to berating the woman he hated.

"You ruin everything, you know that?! Gia was with me when you sent that bitch over! Now she's not talking to me!" Y/n smirking in success,

"Maybe she finally realised that you were going to fuck her, and then leave like you do the rest. Poor girl probably thought you'd change for her, but alas,"

Y/n's lips curled cruelly,

"you change for no one."

As if on cue, Theodore threw himself over the small coffee table that separated the two and swung his arms in attempt to bash Y/n directly in the face, unfortunately being a little too slow. The time it took him to propel himself at her, Y/n was able to slide across the couch and side step cross boy. She then began sprinting away, towards the open common room doors, jumping up the steps and almost slipping when turning for the door.

Theodore recovered from his face plant into the couch with a rage full growl and demanded that Y/n come back, running after her while Blaise sat there with an unsurprised look on his face.

"Maybe I should tell Professor Snape." He listened to Theodore yell down the hall trying to catch up to the mischievous girl, taking a cup of water to his lips and sipping it.





Y/n ran down the corridor looking behind her every so often to see if Theodore would be on her tail, but all she could hear was his yelling echoing behind her. Deciding it was a good idea to hide, she saw a corner recognising that it would have an usually empty and unlocked classroom to temporarily hide in.

As Y/n was approaching the corner, she took her wand and whispered a mimic spell to replicate the sound of her footsteps, timing it so she would cut the corner and the footsteps would continue down the opposite way.

One step away, she sent the spell out, turning the corner and watching the spell hit the floor before turning her head to watch where she was going.

Then she was met with a body that wasn't hers.

But fortunately, the other person was very much aware of her presence. And before she knew it, there Y/n was, facing the hallway and watching as Theodore Nott ran past them yelling the same profanities as if nothing had changed.

All she heard was the steady breathing of the person behind her, the surprisingly soft hand holding her forearm in place and the relief present in her chest.

The person behind her holding onto her arm until they were sure Theodore was long gone, finally letting go and then walking out from behind her.

Only one question was on her mind,

Why had Mattheo Riddle helped you escape?

A/n: it's cliche, I know but I would literally die😭

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