𝐂𝐇𝐏 𝟏𝟕 - Talking To

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After Potions Y/n was more pissed off then usual, as she walked her steps were almost rapid down the hallway towards the stair cases; but for once her anger wasn't directed at me which was nice. Instead it was at that Ryan guy, as soon as I walked into that classroom this morning he looked paranoid; even staring me down until I sat at our table. Very bold of him considering I could kill him in a instant and no one would find him, but I'm not that cruel. Not until he gave her that box, now death doesn't seem like a bad option for him.

Love potions and I don't mix, if Voldemort wasn't created by one then none of the fucked up shit he did would have happened; who am I kidding some other mentally fucked bastard would have done the same eventually. But a love potion in the hands of a desperate kid is just as bad, wanting someone to love you that badly that you try to force them makes me sick.

Seeing Y/n's rage for the guy pleases me in an odd way, seeing her wicked grin as she seeks revenge just brings a smile to my face; in a way I can't describe properly. Making it rather quickly to the staircases, Y/n immediately ascends the first one she sees and skips every second step; Merlin if she goes any faster she'll be to tired to beat his arse.

"Slow down there Hyde, with that speed he'll be dead in a matter of minutes." Y/n continues to speed walk up each moving staircase with deadly determination, purpose behind every agitated step. Her head held high and the pink box held firmly in her soft hand,

"Don't be stupid, I won't kill him," She pauses for a second before turning her head towards me with what looks like a genuine smile,


Sometimes this girl gives me whiplash with her mood swings, one moment she hates me, another she ignores me, then she's kind and caring, then she goes back to hating me; why can't she just pick one and stick to it?

"I know we are going to talk to this guy and all, but I'm surprised you even let me come with you. You know with you ignoring me and all."

"I'm not ignoring you." Her rhythmic passion becoming slower as she marched up the stairs, her shoulders getting stiffer as every second goes by.

"No need to lie Hyde, it's quite obvious."

The staircase stopped at a large portrait of a lady in a pink dress, looking rather tired and bored; standing now on the flat ground Y/n crosses her arms over her chest and stares hard at the alive painting.

"Your just...confusing."

"Password- oh, Slytherins? What do you want." The portrait bitched at us, Y/n sighed and asked if we could ask one of the Gryffindors a question.

"Hm, ask them what?"

"I'm looking for a person, Ryan Yales sixth year." The woman thinks for a minute and hesitantly opens the door, revealing a small h/c girl with a bright smile beaming at a group of girls on a velvet couch; her resemblance to Y/n uncanny.

"Rose, hello." Y/n addresses the younger girl which grabs her attention immediately, the girl turning around and smiling even wider than before.

"Y/n! I didn't know you were visiting!" 'Rose' runs towards Y/n and embraces her with open eager arms, Y/n hugging her back with a small smile on her lips.

"Actually I'm looking for someone, I was going to come visit tomorrow but looks like I couldn't wait." Y/n grins at Rose who giggles, this is Y/n's sister?

"Who are you looking for?" The young girl raised an eyebrow,

"A boy named Ryan Yales, you wouldn't know him would you?" The girls shakes her head but turns around to call to the group of girls on the couch, an older boy with spiked obnoxious hair entering the room reply's instead.

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