𝐂𝐇𝐏 𝟐𝟑 - Returned

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That night the two stayed in Lorenzo's dormitory, eating pastries and laughing like the carefree teenagers they wished to be, deciding to put whatever troubles they were going through behind them and just have a good night together. Y/n appreciated what Lorenzo did for her more than she could express, but she wouldn't have done it for just anyone, he might have just been the person she wanted to see deep down; maybe he was just that infectious with his joy that she knew it would make her feel better, maybe she was just desperate for company but to stubborn to ask. Either way, Lorenzo's goal was achieved. He had cheered up his friend, even if was just for a little bit, he saw her smile and that's what counted to him.

During their late night conversations, Lorenzo had managed to convince Y/n to be around others for awhile, he reminded her that she couldn't stop showing up to class or she wouldn't graduate into the seventh year and that maybe it was best for her to talk with the professors and try to make a few extensions for her school work to help her get a little time to breathe. Y/n appreciated his thoughtfulness, thanking him and considering his suggestions, even taking his advice the next morning despite looking like a corpse.

Her schedule wasn't packed that day, only having a few classes with Flitwick, Sprout and McGonagall, using her good grades in those classes to hopefully sway the teachers to give her the extensions. She knew it would work with Sprout, but she wasn't sure with the other two, knowing how strict they could be. And of course there was Snape tomorrow, although he was dreading that conversation, there was no way that Professor Snape would let her have an extension on her work. Even thinking about all the potions homework she had neglected made her want to throw up, house points would definitely be taken away, even if she was a Slytherin herself.

In amongst all her worrying, Y/n's body had taken her down the hallways swiftly and quietly before classes had started. Unfortunately, Y/n couldn't bring herself to be in the great hall with everyone else for breakfast so she asked if Lorenzo could bring her back a piece of fruit or something small to just fuel her until she could make it to Hogsmeade through the witches route. Luckily, muscle memory had taken her straight to the corridor towards the Transfiguration classroom, slowly dragging more and more anxiety out from Y/n's body with each step towards the closed doors. But her feet took her to quickly towards the door when a body collided with hers, bumping both girls which luckily, Y/n caught the other before she fell through the classroom doors she just came from. The girl removed her arm with a swipe as she geared up to yell at Y/n for the accident, but as soon as the black haired, green eyed girl looked up, her expression changed.

"Oh Pansy, sorry about that." The girl's face morphed from annoyance and bitterness to concern and surprise as soon as she saw her bestfriends features for the first time in days, Pansy's hands then grasped Y/n's shoulders in a late attempt to help steady the girl, an awkward smile on her face as she saw the darkened bags under Y/n's eyes.

"Y/n? Uh...are you alright?" Y/n smiled warmly at Pansy's hesitance when asking her if she was okay, luckily she had got all her crying out a few hours ago otherwise she would have burst into tears at the question, she just hoped that Pansy hadn't noticed how still puffed the under part of her eyes still were.

"Yes, just asking for a few extensions for the neglected work. I've had time to think and rest, I would love to have some company if you're free-?"

Before Y/n could finish her question, Pansy had tackled her in a tight embrace as she repeated a loud and joyful 'yes' into the girls ear, almost blowing the ear drum inside. The best friend's stayed in the squeezed embrace for about a minute before Pansy pulled away, grinning ear to ear, she began to start spilling whatever gossip she had accumulated from the past few days. Y/n always thought that when Pansy had gossip that she could say immediately at that moment, she looked like a water balloon filled up until it went transparent.

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