𝐂𝐇𝐏 𝟏𝟖 - Hyde Estate

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"Distractions only delay you're task, eliminate the blood traitor."


"You are only there to spy on the boy, I don't care how you do it, get rid of her."


"Yes my lord."


"You see that Rose? Loop the stitch up and over to connect both ends." A pile of frayed grass blades and bruised flower buds dance in the breeze of the woodland trees, the smell of near by pond water supplying a feeling of nostalgia for the two girls. Rose sat hunched over her almost complete flower crown with her tongue glued to the corner of her mouth and her eyebrows scrunched; her sister guiding her through the final steps.

Once her thick fingers could grasp the end of the green strand and pull it through the loop forming a tight knot, a look of succession bloomed on the young girls face.

"I did it!" Y/n smiled warmly at her sister for getting it right that time, it didn't matter to her that it took thirty seven tries to complete and the sun to reach its set. Although when Rose took a closer look at the twisting flower buds she frowned, "But it's a bit wonky."

Her older sister hung her hand in dismissal, her eyes giving off pride as she took the crown from Rose's hand and placed it atop her head.

"Ah who cares, You made it so I'll wear it." Rose who was already wearing the one Y/n made for her a few hours prior, modelled the crown for her, posing in ridiculous fashion to gain a few giggles from the girl to lift her spirits which succeeded. Despite their age difference of about six years, they found ways to connect with each other and strengthen a bond; even when they fought like animals.

The setting of the sky told Y/n that she would need to bring both of them back inside soon, in time for a dinner that would surely be waiting for them when they arrived; mother is particular about time. An evening chill blew past them as the warmth slowly absorbed into the ground and slept for the day, winter slowly fading away after every night and spring peaking over the horizon for the school term to commence. Y/n gazes down at Rose with her smile turning content, the girl beside her laughing at her staring.


"Nothing ugly."

Rose shoves Y/n's arm with a devilish grin as they shared a string of insults, flinging them at each other as soon a the other finished. Y/n picked at the grass beside her, signing at the shift in temperature change and got up front her seated position and held out her hand towards Rose.

"Alright come on Rosie, time for supper." The Hyde family prided themselves for being surrounded by natures loving embrace while maintaining such a lavish manor with the many servants and house elves that worked twenty four seven; including their boastfulness about their two young witches that attend the most highly regarded wizarding school in Scotland and most of the world. As the Hyde family came from relatively new money, her parents were a hot topic in high status wizarding families, that's one of the only reasons she even converses with Malfoy.

Both siblings walk through the rows of thick oak trees and onto the makeshift path they knew off by heart, having walked it hundreds of times in the past. Hand in hand they came into view of the medium sized manor, counting the five points of the roof and quickening their pace when the sky began to bleed a rich blue fuchsia petal.

The back door was open as both adults knew the two were out, her grandmother Abigail taking the role as female influence in replace of their sickly bed ridden mother, Alyssa. Rose running to the door and pushing it wide for Y/n to get through, then closing it behind them and slipping off their shoes quickly. The air shifts from the cool breeze of the outside to a stuffy inclosed warm, the heaters being turned on for hours and the festering heat sticking to the vacant air around them. She never liked being stuck in the manor for to long, the constant sticky warmth hanging in the air because her mother had terrible circulation, the emptiness of every room due to the large amount of space they didn't need or occupy, and the sunken faces of each house elf that would pass by with a broom had always been distasteful to Y/n. It was uncomfortable.

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