𝐂𝐇𝐏 𝟑𝟎 - Punishment

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The Defense against the Dark Art's classroom was silent, no student daring to utter a word as one of the Carrow siblings, the male one Amycus, stood with his wand in hand and his ghostly but pudgy face staring down every student that risked looking up. The atmosphere in Hogwarts as a whole was already suffocating, but the classroom alone was dense enough to shatter bedrock. It was like this every DADA lesson, and each one made Y/n's skin crawl. They were only a week into the semester and no one smiled anymore.

Each row of seats had an added weight of pressure from the back to the front, those who were unfortunate enough to be at the front could almost smell the aroma of stale air and something only akin to rotting meat. Y/n felt bad for them, as she had a little distance from the rancid scent that drenched the tip of her tongue until she could taste it. She wanted to throw up.

The man's slithering and thick voice spilled out his cracked lips, almost like liquid fat that coated the space around him. It only intensified the hang in the air and how greasy her skin felt just being in the same room as him.

Although Y/n was tense, her shoulders slightly raised and her eyes on the Ravenclaw student's back in front of her, she found it hard to focus on Amycus's wheezes. Her hands were clenched on her skirt and her eyes slanted, almost like she was spacing out. School wasn't a place she wanted to be. Especially now. It was quite common for Y/n to stare at nothing in classes since coming back. She had a lot on her mind.

"mumble, wheeze, mumble....mumble, wheeze, cough..."

Amycus's lessons went the same way. He would talk, insult, berate anything that walked and spout propaganda about the Dark wizards he loved so dearly, if he could love. It was bad enough for her, the Carrows knew who she was and that made her bones ache.

Y/n had been stopped after one of her compulsory Muggles studies class, which was worse than DADA because of Amycus's sister, Alecto. Her barbaric views on muggle born students matched the anti muggle propaganda she also spewed, was displayed through her viscous verbal and physical assault against muggle borns during classes. Children. Alecto had spoken to Y/n alone in the room, seeming more like a blur to Y/n as she was given third party praise. At first it didn't make sense, but Y/n couldn't avoid it because even she pointed it out.

Her father was a death eater, and by proxy, so was her whole family. Y/n didn't come out of her room that day, it was only her second at Hogwarts that year and she was already sick. Having flushed her breakfast of the morning down the drain. Y/n found herself getting caught up in old memories of her younger years, when she didn't have to worry about anything but who would be in her classes and if she could go out to diagonally the same time as Pansy. Now she wasn't as relaxed, if relaxed at all.

"mumble, wheeze. Louder mumble...cough, cough, cough."

Then, a small nudge on her thigh pulled her attention. Just light enough to be noticed as not a mistake. Y/n's eyes were hazing a little before she realised who wanted that attention from her and blinked a few times, the haze subsided into a dull light. Her head turned toward the left, but before she could fully look at him, the familiar twinge of pain shot through the front of her mind.

"Don't look."

Mattheo's voice rang through her head, continuing after Y/n looked back at the Ravenclaw student's back. "You spaced out, what's wrong?"

His voice was clear as he nudged her again, he knew she didn't like it when he did that, and that tainted his gesture; but it wasn't disregarded. Even if Y/n wanted to deny it, he was trying. Maybe that was why she wanted to ignore it.

ɪ ᴊᴜsᴛ sᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now