𝐂𝐇𝐏 𝟑𝟐 - Deals

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The office smells like burnt wood and stale air, but above that, grease. No wonder Snape always stinks of it, always drenched with that slimy substance; sickening really. He stands behind that desk that doesn't belong to him, though I don't care much, Dumbledore wasn't a saint either. Just a world full of tyrant after tyrant, one after the other trying to take over from the other.

"Snape." I say with a tilt of my head and my hands buried in my trouser pockets. His black eyes staring me down, though I can't get past that hooked nose; he could be part elf if he wasn't so tall.

"Mr Riddle, what is it this time?" He speaks so damn slow, taking at least three times to long to ask a simple question. Though, I recognise his distaste for my presence; as do most of the death eater scum that look at me. It's either that or they're scared shitless of what I could do to them, of who I look like, who I am. No matter how much I wish to rip him from my identity, being that noseless freak's spawn does come with it's advantages.

"Just came for a chat, you know, I have a few propositions." He should know by now, I wouldn't come see him for kicks. Snape looks away from me, he knows that my 'propositions' aren't suggestions or asks; they're demands.

"Haven't I given you enough privilege already? You're getting greedy." He sits down at the desk chair with the nerve to call it 'privilege', like anything about my life screams privilege. Like yeah, getting brought up by a batshit crazy bitch and a mass murdering psychopath makes me privileged.

I let a scowl peak through my grin and stare daggers at Snape, maybe I'm being too kind; he needs to know his place.

"Don't play that with me traitor, we both know you can't refuse." If it wasn't for the fact that I know about his double act with that Dumbledore and Voldemort, he'd have every right to refuse me; lucky like to eavesdrop. Only if Snape was more careful, now he's like my slave. And he clearly didn't like what I said judging by that glower in his face.

"What is it." He seethes. How funny.

"It's quite cruel how your new way of running this hell hole is separating siblings, I happen to know that family is very important." I puff out my chest and walk over toward the many rows of dusty books lining the walls, probably important books but then again, Dumbledore was a bit of a bat. They might be just as useless.

"You have no siblings." No shit.

"That may be true, but I know those who do," I turn my hand over the degrading spines, paying no mind to the inevitable glare that burns into the back of my head; continuing, "and it's horrible how I have to watch them suffer for being separated when family is all they have."

With his options right now, and my stance, there's not any room to squeeze negotiation for this. The information I have on Snape can make him do almost anything if I play my cards right; a little threatening never hurt anyone. Besides, what I want, no matter what this bastard says, will happen. When I get Snape to allow siblings in different houses to get visiting rights, then maybe she'll be happier.

"Who would this be about then?" Figures, but he doesn't need to know that.

"I don't think that's necessary information."

The office fills with silence as I once again refuse giving any unnecessary information. No one but me needs to know why, and I intend it to stay that way. I turn my head to face him when a prick hits my head and bounces off, each person had a different way to get into peoples heads, and Snape's feels like a jab from a knife. Too bad it hit a brick wall.

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