𝐂𝐇𝐏 𝟗 - Ms Tutor

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"Take a deep breath Y/n, just get it over with." The library doors stand in front of me, why did all the doors in this place have to be so big? Pushing on the abnormally large handles and with a push, the doors open revealing the beauty of the schools library. As much as it was a pain to study for our exams with boring subjects, the library has an aroma to it that made its presence one of the best places in the school; aside from per say the greenhouses or astronomy tower.

Although, coming to the library was a toss up on what you would find, either quiet students that were actually studying, or couples that wanted private time together in the back; your lucky if it's just snogging you hear.

The librarian gave me a smile as I passed her desk, being one of the regular visitors, she knew me. Scanning the area to find my new student, I spot just the boy I was looking for, leaning against the front row of book cases on the right side of the room. He was flicking through from the looks of it, our classes Herbology textbook with a incredibly bored look on his face. Tutoring him will be so fun, I can already tell.

I begin to walk over to where he is standing, holding my messenger bag strap firmly in my hand. The smell of old books and beeswax candles filling my senses, the evening lanterns giving everything in its path a warm glow; a sense of ease washes over me after each step I take. Half way over to him, he looks up from the textbook and spots me; his face lighting up with a grin. My hand not squeezing my bag strap as tightly anymore; a cool exterior forming.

"Hello Riddle."

"Didn't think you would show up." Mattheo pulled out a chair from the table next to us, yeah no; not at the front. I turn towards the book cases and walk past a now sitting Mattheo, passing the first row of book cases as I heard him call out to me.

"What are you doing?" A confused look spread on his face as I turned around to see him staring at me, I look back at the table and shake my head.

"We're not sitting there."

If I'm going to be tutoring someone, I never sit at the front of the library because of the exposure and noise that can be heard from beyond the door; not to mention that I'm tutoring Mattheo Riddle, so there's no way in hell I'm sitting at the front.

As I'm walking to the usual unoccupied spot in the back corner, I hear footsteps following me; good to know he finally decided to listen for once. The library was rather empty today which was surprising since exams were up soon, at least it was quieter than usual. Walking past the last book case and finding the spot empty like I thought, I place down my bag beside the seat closest to the opening. Hearing a chuckle behind me, I turn my head to see a suggestive smirk on Mattheo's lips.

"Want to take me somewhere private huh? Didn't think it was that kind of study session."

This bitch-

"Do you want me to help or not." I squint my eyes at him, pursing my lips and sitting down. Why did I agree to this, end my life.

"Fine, fine." He sat down across from me, and placing what he needed on his end of the table; mimicking his actions and placing my things on the table as well. Looking back up to him, I see that he has laced his fingers under his chin and is staring at me. The warmth from the lantern on the book case above made the brown return to his eyes, looking a lot less intimidating than before; almost welcoming. Shit, I'm staring.

"Now if this is going to happen, I have rules that are non negotiable." I start to lay down my ground rules, if he follows them then maybe I'll be alive by the end of tonight.

"Hm, like what."

"Number one," I hold up my pointer finger, "if you make an excessive amount of unnecessary comments, then I will get up and leave. No more tutoring."

He looks like he thinks for a minute before making a comment on my first rule,

"How many unnecessary comments are too many?" This guy is ridiculous.





"Noted." Mattheo's smile grew with my approximate answer of four, I probably should have said one or even none; I feel like I'm going to regret that high of a number.

"Number two, I want to see a raise in your grades even if it's just by a little. Then I will know if my help is working or if you are actually following along."

"Hm." He hums in response,

"And number three, you actually have to try when I'm tutoring you otherwise this is a waste of both our time."

"Well I wouldn't say a waste." Mattheo tilted his head on his hands, a crooked smile forming from his closed mouth one from before. Choosing to ignore his comment I open the text book to the glossary,

"Okay, what do you need help with the most?"

"Everything." Well this is going to take awhile, just great.

"Oh boy, okay."


"Next lesson we have Herbology is tomorrow fifth period, I want you to actually listen to what Sprout has to say. You can't just rely on me to teach you everything."

Almost two hours had passed studying with Mattheo and to say it was difficult would surprisingly wrong, for the most part he actually listened to what I was saying with the occasional comment. There was one part though that I almost left because of his obvious teasing, I hate that he is charismatic sometimes; no one could pay me to admit that out loud.

I check my watch which reads 10:10pm, curfew is soon and I don't want to get harassed by the peeves again. The most annoying ghosts ever to exist, constantly have a stick up their arse; can't give anyone a break.

"We should get going." I place all my things into my bag and clip it shut, ready to leave and pass out in my dorm. Mattheo looked up at me before packing up his stuff as well, being surprisingly well behaved tonight.

Just as I am about to stand up, I hear distant but rapid footsteps coming from behind me; heavy breathing along with it. I look at Mattheo who seems to hear what you do, walking around me to look down the hallway. I watch him as he watches whatever it was coming this way, getting up to see myself. Mattheo's shoulders relax as he sees what it is, walking back over to get his stuff; who was it?

I peak my head over to see who it was, running towards us was Pansy. What's she in a hurry for?


"Y/n!" Pansy comes to a halt in front of me, gasping for air while holding something white in her hand; is she alright?

"What's the matter?" I say rather concerned why my best friend was so panicked all of a sudden, anxiety crawling up my spine in anticipation.

Without a second to think, she holds the letter in front of her before speaking hurriedly,

"I know I shouldn't have gone through your mail, I know but it looked urgent and I couldn't help myself!"


"It's from Atticus!"

My stomach drops at the mention of his name, he didn't write to me often, but when he did it was never good. What did he want? Was it bad? Did something happen to Alyssa? What about Rose? What happened?

I snatch the letter from Pansy, taking it in my hand before looking at it; fearing the absolute worst.

"I'll talk to you about next lesson later." I mutter to Mattheo who was now beside me, I couldn't see his face, I didn't care really; the letter was all I could think of. What did it contain, what did it say? Did I do something wrong? I don't think so, did I?

My feet take off as I run past Pansy, leaving both of them behind needing to get back to my dorm room so I could read it by myself.

I hope nothing happened.

A/n: yummy interactions

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