𝐂𝐇𝐏 𝟖 - Riddle

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"What the fu-"

Y/n stared at Mattheo Riddle in front of her, his hands in his pockets and a curious look on his face. The dark lighting of the dungeons making it hard to see the brown in his eyes, taking away the subtle kindness and leaving a black void in its place. Strange. Mattheo cut Y/n off before she could finish her sentence,

"Shut up, do you want your friend to hear you?" He walked past Y/n and back out into the hallway, down the same way Theodore had ran a minute ago. She hesitantly followed him, kind of curious herself as to why he would help her; after all, they hadn't properly talked in a good month and weren't even close to friends.

"He's not really my friend." Y/n caught up to Mattheo's steps, crossing her arms over her chest as she walked.

"I don't care."

Silence came from Y/n after that, not hurt by his answer but even more confused as to what his statement told her. If he didn't care, why would he help her? Mattheo staring straight ahead, watching the corridor as he slowed down his pace to match the girls beside him. He didn't know why he did it, he just felt like it.

"Why was he chasing you anyway?" Mattheo broke the silence as his curiosity bounced around the inside of his head, she looked pretty out of breath after she almost crashed into him.

"Not really your business." Giving back his attitude, Y/n shrugged her shoulders while staring ahead; subconsciously mimicking his body language. Mattheo raised an eyebrow and stopped walking, staring straight into Y/n's eyes; he looked irritated.

"You know, maybe Nott isn't that bad. HEY-" Mattheo cupped his left hand around the side of his mouth to project it forward, Y/n immediately freaking out at his loudness. Almost jumping at Mattheo when she grabbed his hand off his mouth,

"SHUT UP, shut up!"

He stared at her with a deep grin, a sparkle returning to his eyes which Y/n took notice of. Her hand gripped his wrist firmly, a panicked expression creased her features as she looked behind her to see if Theodore heard him and came running. Thankfully, no one came.

"Having fun holding my hand there, Hyde?" Y/n snapped her head back to Mattheo and down to her hand that was now in his palm, an almost shocked expression crossed her face before being replaced with annoyance.

"Shove off." Y/n let go of his hand and swiped it past her skirt, Mattheo still holding her gaze.

"Don't you have somewhere better to be?" She bit at his teasing, walking past him and back towards the common room. Mattheo turning around to follow her, finding his previous task less entertaining than the one in front of him. Dear old dad will have to wait.

"Now where is the fun in that." Y/n rolled her eyes and looked back at him, but what was facing her was a look that was more dominant in joy than malice.

"You don't look like someone to enjoy fun things." She brushed it off, sighing and slowing down. If he was going to stay with Y/n, she would save her energy for her resilience.

"You misjudge me." He said with fake hurt in his voice, earning a light scoff from Y/n.

This was the longest conversation they had had in a month and it seemed that nothing had changed really, but the memory of how Mattheo looked when he was angry still sent a chill down her spine.

Y/n thought about how she came into this predicament, how she taunted Theodore until he snapped and then ran into Mattheo. She wondered about where he had come from, what direction and what was down that hall.

"Were you in the empty classroom before?"

Mattheo flicked his eyes in her direction, seeing that she wasn't looking at him but rather off in the distance, likely still in her head.

"What's it to you if I was?"

"So you were." Y/n nodded her head in confirmation,

"I didn't say that." Mattheo denied,

"There's just a lot of reasons to be in an empty classroom, I wonder what I would have seen if I ran in to hide while you were still in there."

Mattheo grew stiff for a second before noticing his change and immediately dropping it, Y/n seeing his subtle change in posture. She was observant when she wanted to be, got some practice from finding out what made people tick; mostly Theodore.

"But, that's not my business, is it." She stopped prying after that, even if he was the dark wizards son and most likely a death eater by proxy; Y/n didn't like making people uncomfortable.

"You're right, it's not."


Although there was tension clear as day in the air, he didn't walk away or threaten her; nothing he did made much sense to Y/n. Nothing else was really said after that, just the both of them walking back to the common room.

When they both reached the doors, Mattheo stopped walking and finally said something.

"Herbology, can you tutor me?"


"You heard me."

"Uh, sure but why ask me? You could ask one of the advanced kids from the grade above."

"Your more entertaining." A smirk laid on his lips, Y/n feeling that taunting aura returning to the air.

"Ha ha, fine."

"Good girl, tonight 7:30 in the library."

Y/n stopped dead in her tracks when reaching for the door, did he just? Her cheeks flushed a light red, the words making her skin prick in goosebumps.

"Don't call me that, Riddle." She turned her head in his direction, embarrassment crawling under her neck. Mattheo laughed at her reaction and said walked away from the common room doors, that grin not leaving his lips until he passed the corner corridor. Y/n muttered the common room passcode but added more after the doors opened,

"Fucking prick."

She hoped that time would stop so she wouldn't have to tutor him that night.

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