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a/n: a lil bit of an emotional chapter get ur tissues ready hehe

june 1 2016 9:35pm

"HELP! A DEER HIT MY CAR." Eva said into the phone, using her best acting skills to fake panic. "What? Oh, OH! Gilmore Girls, right?" Taylor replied, immediately understanding the reference.

"No, a deer actually hit my car come help please," the brunette deadpanned as she started pacing back and fourth in her room, her phone placed on top of her ear. She had previously been dressing up for a girls night at the bar.

"Whatever," the blonde laughed, but by her tone, the author immediately knew something was bothering her. "How is it at Tom's house?"

"Hm, it's fine, Tom's really nice I guess," Eva frowned slightly, "You sound.. unhappy,"

"I knoow, his mum just gives me reaallyy long talks about treating him nice and stuff— I sound so rude, I'm sorry," she groaned into the phone. "You remember what I said right? You can call me literally any time and you can talk to me any time. Want me to come over?" the actress offered, her voice laced with concern.

"No! It's fine, I just feel like such an ass for not putting more effort into Tom, y'know? I like him, but it's like— I know this won't last, and I feel.. bleh." she explained in one breath, "I enjoy being with him, but— God, I don't know, he treats me so good and I'm barely even putting any effort into our.." she paused, "relationship. See? I can't even fucking admit I'm dating him." she admitted, her voice slightly shaking.

Even though the brunette was supposed to meet up with her friends, she decided Taylor was more important. In all honesty, she was shit at comforting people, something she got from her dad, but she tried her best with the blonde, "I think, if you really are unhappy with him, you should end things with him,"

"It's not that I'm unhappy, I do enjoy being with him and all, but it's like the night I called him up after I broke things up with Adam, I like knew— I was making a huge mistake." before Eva could realize it, she heard soft sniffles coming from the other side of the line. "Where are you?" the brunette suddenly asked, already beginning to take off her fancy dress, sliding off the strap.

"I— I'm at a hotel, I kind of needed to get away from everything, Tom's out anyway." 

"What hotel?" she questioned, unzipping the back of her dress. "Um, I think it's called Elite something something," Taylor replied, her voice softer now.

"Hm, it's near a Mc Donalds right?"

"Yeah, why?" Eva licked her lips, "I'm coming over, what's your room number?"

"No, you don't need to! I'm fine, Ev." the singer tried to reassure the other, but her breaking voice said otherwise. "Taylor, please, just tell me what's the room number." she begged, slipping on much more comfortable jogging pants placed on her bed. The brunette slid on a white t-shirt along with a zip up jacket waiting for the blonde to answer.

Taylor sighed, "216." Eva smiled softly, "Thank you, baby." she ended the call without even realizing the nickname had slipped out.

The author exited her room and walked down the stairs swiftly, spotting Leo by the TV, "Hey, so, can you tell Lana and the other's something came up? I won't be able to attend." she informed him.

"Che cosa? Come mai? Dove stai andando?" [What? Why? Where are you going?]

"Please, just do it." she gave him 'the look', making him nod and immediately pull out his phone. "I'll take the car 'kay? Give me a ring if something happens."

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