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Not a day went by where she didn't cross his mind. He was always thinking of her. Thinking about where she ran away to. Thinking about who held her in her sleep. It didn't matter how hard he tried not to think of her. It was impossible because she was everywhere.

He thought of her when it rained because that took him back to their first date in college...

"How the hell are we going to get home?" Demi asked. They were two broke college students that had just spent all of their money at a karaoke bar ten minutes away from Jesse's small apartment. It was their first official date and it had been going amazingly. Now it was one in the morning and they had to find a way back home.

"Do you have an umbrella?" Jesse asked. Demi shook her head and stared out the window. Rain poured down on the city, flooding the streets. They didn't have money for a uber or a cab, leaving one option left. Jesse took his jacket off and wrapped it over Demi's shoulders— even though it wouldn't help much but it's the thought that counts. Jesse took Demi's hand and lead them outside in the rain.

They ran to Jesse's house in the rain, trying to avoid the splash of cars and puddles on their way but still getting soaked nonetheless. Once they made it to Jesse's apartment, they stripped out of their wet clothes and changed into pajamas— Demi borrowing Jesse's clothes. They used the warmth of each other to warm up their cold bodies as they cuddled on the couch watching movies until one of them fell asleep.

He thought about her when he was at work and customers requested her favorite dish...

Demi practically moaned when she put the fork in her mouth and tasted Jesse's homemade Jambalaya. He made it since he missed the cooking lab because his alarm didn't go off. Cooking labs were worth 70% of his grade so he begged his teacher to let him cook something at home. Thankfully, she agreed. Jesse took the opportunity to cook for Demi and spend the night with her.

"That is my favorite meal you've ever made. Like, it's so fucking good." Demi complimented as Jesse took the seat across from her at his small dining table.

"I'm glad you like it. I'm going to have to make it more often then." Jesse teased back.

After she left, he never made that meal again.

Or whenever he looked at his daughter...

The only sound that could be heard in the room was the beeping of the hospital monitor next to Demi's bed. Demi and Jesse lay on the bed together, staring at their newborn daughter who was fast asleep in Demi's arms. Noa Luna Williams. She came out with lungs like her mother and a full head of hair. They certainly weren't ready for a child. They were two college students that fell in love and were just having fun. But this was their life now, with their sweet baby girl.

"She looks just like you," Jesse whispered. He didn't want to be loud. If he was loud, they would be brought back to reality and their new life. Their new-- stressful life where they had to balance being parents and college students.

"You think so? It's too early to tell." Demi commented back. She always thought that you should never judge a newborn's looks until they're older because they always looked a little rough in the first few days. But Noa was perfect.

"She's your twin," Jesse reassured her. Noa began to stir Demi's arms so she readjusted her so she was laying on her chest. Noa quickly calmed down and fell back asleep.

"I'm so proud of you, Demi. I love you."

"I love you too."

He thought about her all the time. He thought about who held her at night, who cooked her meals, and who made her as happy as she was when she was with him. It was bad. No matter how hard he tried, his mind was always on her. Jesse loved her deeply but at the same time, he loathed her. She left him and their baby. Not only did she leave him but she left all of the plans they had made. They were going to get married and then move to Texas so Demi could be closer to her family. Jesse didn't mind leaving behind New York, as long as he got to be with her. They would buy a house together, something rural but not too far away from the city. Have two or three more kids and happily spend the rest of their lives together. But that never happened, because she left.

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