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The house was packed. Luna felt out of place as all the rich people with overly expensive dresses and pearls swarmed around the house clutching their purses and drinking overly priced champagne. Although Luna looked the part, she didn't feel the part. Demi designed a beautiful forest green sequined maxi dress for her the wear. The color complimented her skin and the dress was long enough to cover the boot on her foot. Demi had even been kind enough to curl her hair.

The whole thing felt odd to Luna. She had never had someone else take care of her before they took care of themselves. Jesse made sure she had everything she needed but he had never helped her get ready. Then when Luna helped Demi get the twins ready in the same way she realized that she had treated Luna like she was her own daughter. The same way she did Aria's hair was how she did hers. When she was rubbing lotion over Benji's face as he tried to get away from her, was also what she did to Luna. That alone made Luna like Demi even more.

The upstairs had been blocked off from all the party guests and that's where Aria and Benji stayed with their nanny. Luna had made her way up there because watching rich people bet on auctions was not fun. But she came downstairs to grab snacks because the twins wouldn't stop complaining about how hungry they were.

"Hi Dad," Luna said as Jesse passed her, not even recognizing her until she said something.

"Luna! I've been looking for you all night." Jesse exclaimed before looking at her outfit. A wave of confusion washed across his face. "Where did you get that dress?"

"Demi made it for me! Isn't it pretty?" Luna said, spinning her hips so Jesse could see how it sparkled in the light.

"Yeah, it is..." He trailed off and looked around the crowd. His eyes narrowed as he found what he was looking for. "One second, Luna."

Luna watched her father as excused himself from their conversation and made a beeline across the room. He maneuvered through the crowd until he found who he was looking for. To no surprise, it was Demi.

"Can I speak to you?" Jesse whispered in her ear. Demi dismissed herself from the couple that she was talking to and pulled Jesse away from everyone else.

"I already know, you are upset because I made Luna's dress. It's not a big deal, Jesse." Demi explained. She could see the fumes coming off of Jesse as his face grew red and his eyebrows frowned.

"That's not my problem, Demi. My problem is you spending so much time with Luna."

"All I did was help her get ready! You're acting as if I told everything." A waiter exited from the kitchen with a tray of champagne flutes. Demi grabbed one before he could pass by them and took a sip. "Jesse, you brought her into my house. I'm not going to ignore her, that's rude."

"Then don't try to build a relationship with her! Stop talking to my daughter. The next time I see you talking to her, we're going to have bigger problems, understand?"

Demi's head cocked to the side as she stared at Jesse. She understood that he didn't like her, but in all honesty, she couldn't care less. After all, she was his boss so why does he think he can boss her around?

"Jesse, last time I checked, I am the one that hired you, not the other way around. Therefore, I don't take orders from you. If you bring Luna into my home, I have a right to speak to her. Now what you are going to do is get back in the kitchen and continue making food for the guests. Do you understand?"

Luna watched from the corner as Jesse walked away from Demi with a scowl on his face. She wasn't close enough to listen in on their conversation but it didn't look pleasant. That seemed to be the case whenever they spoke to each other. She didn't know why there was so much animosity between the two of them but her dad needed to start being nice before he gets fired.

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