the night we met

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For the first time since Jesse had begun working here, he had seen Nick more than he had seen Demi. Normally Nick was the one that was gone all day and only came home for dinner while Demi stayed home with the twins but today was the opposite. Jesse realized he didn't know much about Nick or what he did for work. Not that he cared about that stuff but Jesse had always seen Nick as "Demi's husband" and nothing else.

A ding coming from the elevator indicated that someone entered the penthouse, the only question was who was it? Nick had gone out for a while because there was an emergency at the office but Demi hadn't been home all day. Jesse had heard from Nick that he made a few calls with people in the business so they could take a look at Demi's portfolio and possibly help her get started as a fashion designer. Demi claimed that she wasn't ready and needed more time but the meetings were already scheduled and to cancel them would only make her look bad.

As Jesse finished cleaning the counters, the clicking of heels against the hardwood floor came from the entrance. All of a sudden, the clicking came to a stop, and the footsteps were quiet and disappeared.

After a long pause, a tired Demi had come into the kitchen. Her purse dangling from one hand and her heels in the other. Not only did she look tired but she looked emotionally drained. As if all the meetings she went to today had completely sucked the life out of her. Without looking up, Demi threw her things on the counter and slumped into a seat on the island in the kitchen. She used her arms as a cushion and rested her head against the counter.

"Long day?" Jesse asked. It was a rhetorical question but he didn't know what else to say. Demi had left the house so optimistic and full of hope, but now she was despondent. Jesse was unsure whether he should comfort her or leave that up to Nick.

Demi's head perked up at the sound of Jesse's voice. She groaned and ran her hands through her hair, grabbing it and pulling it out of frustration. Jesse remembered this was one of Demi's bad habits that she did whenever she was stressed. Jesse knew that the meetings she attended today were crucial to starting her business so it worried him to see her like this.

"What happened today?" Jesse asked. His tone was soft and gentle. Considering he hasn't been very nice to Demi since they reunited, it took her by surprise. Jesse had always had this thing to him that made him come off as hard and cold. He didn't show much emotion towards people unless it was the people he truly cared about.

"It was horrible," Demi stated, watching Jesse as he moved to sit on the stool next to her. "I've never been so defeated in my life. I got one maybe and a million no's today. I don't think I'm doing the right thing. Maybe I should just do something else."

Demi mumbled the last part but it was loud enough for Jesse to hear it. He hated seeing how Demi had made no progress in her confidence. Comparing Demi now to Demi a decade ago was almost the same. She had never believed in her talent and abilities. Demi never accepted compliments because she didn't think she deserved them but would listen to every negative thing said about her.

"You're doing the right thing, Demi. I can't see you pursuing anything else." Jesse spoke but Demi seemed to brush it off. She was so buried in her negative thoughts that she wasn't listening to Jesse.

Without thinking, Jesse cupped Demi's face with his hands and tilted her head up so she was looking at him. Her big brown eyes were glossy and droopy. Her tears threatened to drop from her eyelids and onto her rosy cheeks. Demi never let other people see her cry— not even her husband. But with Jesse being there, she knew that she could let him see this part of her because there was nothing to hide from him.

"Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself. If you focus on every "no" you get, you're never going to get anywhere. You're insanely talented, Demi. Everyone knows this but you. When will you realize that?"

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