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Luna couldn't remember the last time she came to Demi's house. She had been so caught up in school that she didn't have time to come over to work with Demi. She was up to her ears in homework and Jesse wouldn't let her go to Demi's house unless all her homework was finished. So instead of going back to work with her father after school, she would get dropped off at her grandmother's house and spend the rest of her day doing homework and watching Jeopardy.

Aside from being temporarily banned from Demi's house, she had noticed Jesse hadn't been going to work recently. He seemed to have the rest of the week off, although, Jesse didn't believe in taking days off unless he or Luna was sick. Luna was starting to think he quit his job.

Her suspicions were put to rest when Jesse took a few "wrong turns" and now they were in the elevator headed up to Demi's house. Luna was excited to finally be allowed at Demi's house after so long but she could feel the nervous energy radiating off of Jesse. His leg would not stop shaking and he crackled his knuckles three times within the last minute.

When they made it inside Demi's house, the place looked deserted. The place was surprisingly clean and didn't have its normal look of toys scattered across the living room floor.

"Is anyone even home?" Luna asked.

Jesse hung his coat in the closet and took a look around the penthouse for himself. "I'm not sure. Stay here while I look around."

As Jesse made his way around, peeking into rooms and looking for any sign of life. He became certain that nobody was home. But it wasn't adding up because Demi wasn't supposed to leave for Texas until tomorrow, so where was she?

Finally, Jesse made it to her bedroom and the first thing he saw was clothes lying on the bed. When he stepped inside to further investigate, it looked like a tornado had run through the place. Clothes scattered the floor leaving the doors to the dresser open and empty. Jesse turned to see the closet door open ajar and a sliver of light coming through the crack.

When he opened the door completely he found Demi sitting in the middle of her closet wearing a sports bra and sweatpants with her head buried in her hands. The empty suitcase next to her gave Jesse an idea of why she was making such a mess.

Jesse knocked on the door to announce his presence and moved to sit next to Demi. She wasn't shocked by Jesse's appearance but avoided making eye contact with him.

"I would ask you how the packing is going but, I think it's pretty obvious," Jesse said. He laughed at himself but quickly stopped when he noticed it didn't lighten Demi's mood. Instead of cracking a smile like she normally would, Demi rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here, Jesse?" Demi said in a monotone. Jesse sighed as he wasn't used to this treatment from Demi.

"You mean aside from the fact that I work for you and came here to do my job?" Once again, Demi wasn't having it. This time Demi looked at him before rolling her eyes once more. Jesse sighed. "I came here to check on you. I know you leave for Texas tomorrow, but I just wanted to see how things were going."

"This is how things are going;" Demi said while gesturing to the messy closet. She grabbed her glasses from the other side of her and put them on before rubbing her temples and letting out a big sigh. "I haven't slept since Dallas came. I've been living off of Redbulls and Starbucks all week. I've never been so stressed out in my life— I don't even get like this before a big meeting! But something about seeing Dianna in less than twenty-four hours is driving me insane."

Dianna haunted her like a ghost. When she attempted to sleep she would see Dianna. If she let her mind wander, Demi would start thinking about all the things Dianna could say to her. Demi knew this was a bad idea from the start but the fact that her mother was giving her panic attacks was making her rethink her decision.

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