i know you

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There were very few days when Jesse didn't want to get out of bed. But recently it had become more frequent and he couldn't bring himself to get out the door on time. It wasn't because he hated his job, he loved his job. Becoming a chef has been his dream since he was in preschool, but seeing Demi every day was draining for him. It took something out of him that he didn't know was there.

After that night with Demi, Jesse's soft spot for her opened up once again. He couldn't treat her the same knowing her family situation had gotten worse and the family she has with Nick isn't even a family. He felt bad knowing that she had lost everything and everyone who cared about her.

He didn't know how to solve his problems. Sometimes he'd push Demi away; other times he was her best friend. It caused a whirlwind of emotions and he got a headache just thinking about it.

Luckily, Jesse didn't have to work a full shift today because Luna had a doctor's appointment this morning. He arrived at Demi's penthouse late in the afternoon and was not in a rush to get inside. When he finally did make it inside, the sound of a piano filled the space. Beautiful melodies could be heard from afar but Jesse couldn't locate where it was coming from.

Nonetheless, he made his way to the kitchen and prepped his workspace. That was quickly stopped when Jesse remembered that he had forgotten to go to the grocery store to get ingredients for tonight's dinner. While making his way to the main entrance, the piano playing stopped abruptly and Demi came around the corner.

Demi was dressed in an ivory hoodie with black leggings. The Balenciaga sneakers on her feet matched perfectly with her hoodie. She looked as if she was about to go somewhere but it seems that she got distracted. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw Jesse.

"When did you get here?" She asked while walking closer to him.

"About two minutes ago, give or take." Jesse responded while putting his jacket on. Demi walked closer to the entrance and grabbed her black parka jacket out of the hallway closet. "Was that you playing the piano?"

"No, that was just a... video off of Youtube." Demi stumbled over her words. "For background noise, ya know?"

Jesse shook his head although he knew she was lying. The thing about Jesse was he remembered everything that Demi had ever told him. Even the small, less important things; like how Eddie forced her to take piano lessons when she was six and she fell in love with it. It was one of her hidden talents. She used it as an escape from everything going on in her life.

Demi grabbed her Prada bag and pressed the button on the elevator. Jesse cocked his head when he realized that she was leaving as well. They both stepped into the elevator together and sat in silence for most of the ride down to the lobby. Demi rocked back and forth on her toes, hoping that Jesse would say something to break the ice.

Finally, Demi sighed and spoke first. "So, where are you going?"

"The grocery store," Jesse said bluntly. "You?"


Jesse resisted rolling his eyes. He didn't want to spend today surrounded by Demi. Despite working in her home, there were ways he could avoid her. But if the two of them were going to be grocery shopping together, his plans would be a waste.

Once again, silence filled the small space in the elevator. Discomfort sat within Demi because she wasn't sure why Jesse was acting so standoffish. A million thoughts ran through her mind as she tried to think of anything she's done recently to upset Jesse but nothing came to mind. Other than the pain she's caused him within the past ten years, Demi wasn't sure what Jesse was going through.

When the elevator ride finally came to an end, Jesse was quick to step out of the elevator and speed-walk to the door. Demi tried to keep up but the height difference between them caused his strides to be longer and faster.

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