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hey how is she doing?

she's good im gonna spend the
day with her a tubbo
i promise the second theres anything
wrong i'll tell you

clay sighed in frustration. anna had been gone for two weeks now. he had been sleeping alone for two weeks. he had found himself multiple times about to ask her where something was before realizing she wasn't there.

nick had come to stay with him, knowing his friend needed the company.

clay felt so empty. he felt as though his heart was out of his chest because he knew it was in the uk.

he felt like a pain. he knew he was probably texting george and tubbo too much to check on her, but he was so worried. he had even texted her mother a few times too make sure all was okay.

he wasn't sure what to do with his time. he didn't have it in him to record or to stream. any time he went on twitter he saw questions asking if he was in the uk, since a fan had saw anna out in public with george one afternoon. when that fan posted a picture that had been the first time he had seen her since she left. clay sat and sobbed. which wasn't too far off of what he was doing right now.

he was sat in his desk chair with his face in his hands, quietly letting out his hurt in the form of crying. he had two polaroids of her on his desk. one was her asleep in there bed with the most calm expression on her face and the other was a close up on her with a big toothy grin and squinted eyes.

it seemed as though this is all he had done the last two weeks.

"hey man." a quiet knock on the door was followed by nick's soft voice.

clay quickly sat up and wiped his face, knowing nick could still see the redness of his eyes and hear his nose sniffle.

"why don't we get out? it doesn't need to be anything elaborate? your mom texted me saying we should come over for dinner."

"i don't really know." clay trailed off.

"i just can't sit and do nothing while you're suffering. come on, for me?"

tubbolive if george and anna hear a cat, they will find it

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tubbolive if george and anna hear a cat, they will find it

"don't be looking at that." carly, clay's little sister, said over his shoulder.

she grabbed the phone and her big brother's hands before pulling him off the couch to join the rest of the family and nick at the kitchen table. carly knew what her big brother needed, and at that moment, it was not to be sitting and looking at pictures of anna.

"i think we need a family vacation soon. it's been a while since we've had one." carly commented, wanting to get some conversation going to cut the awkward tension.

"can i come?" nick suggested.

"of course. you're always invited," clay's mom said with a smile. "where do you think we should go?"

carly began to ramble on about how she had never been to new york and how she wanted to see the statue of liberty and go to a broadway show, but clay couldn't help but zone out and begin remembering their last family vacation.

clay, his parents, carly, and anna had taken a trip to seattle for a few days. anna was so worried to be intruding on their family time and she didn't full agree to go until his mom told her how much she wanted her to come. his mom really loved anna, but not as much as carly did.

during that trip, carly and anna really bonded. carly had always been very closed off with what she had going on in her life, but the few day long trip was long enough for her to open up to anna about her friend group drama and the boy she had a crush on. she even convinced anna to stay with her in her room one of the nights so they could have a sleepover.

by the end of the trip carly had pulled clay aside and told him, "you better end up marrying her and making her my sister."

he had been on plenty of family vacations without anna, but the idea of backtracking and returning to the usual of her not being there was something he didn't want to face. so he kept quiet as his family and nick planned this hypothetical trip.

once they had finished supper clay quickly thanked his parents and dismissed him and nick to head back home. he just wanted to be in his bed and make it another early night.

once he was home and changed into just a pair of boxers and a t shirt he quickly got under the covers, hoping that sleep would allow him to disconnect his mind for a little while.

but that was interrupted by two text message alerts.


i dont want you to panic because
i promise shes okay
tubbo and i have anna at the hospital

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