Chapter 1

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My head snaps to the direction of the gunshot and I see Sierra falling to the ground. The shock takes over her features as her hand finds the wound on her stomach. Her eyes meet mine briefly as the blood drops from her hand, begging me to save them, but I just stand there. Screaming.


On the floor, her blood pools around her and tears streak from her eyes. I can see the life fading from her turquoise eyes and I want to do something, but I can't move.

I feel my tears burning streaks down my face. My heart is breaking into a million pieces because I know they're going to die. I don't want them to die. I don't want her to die.

I don't want her to die.

"I don't want her to die... I don't–"

My eyes open slowly and I close them again to stop myself from getting a headache. The room is bright, which makes it enemy number one to my light-sensitive eyes. I hear heavy boots against the tiled hallway floor, heading towards me. I listen for another set, but he is alone. As he enters the room, carrying the aromatic scent of aftershave, I hope. I hope he came to tell me that this is finally over. I need to get out of here.

I didn't open my eyes as he stepped up to my bed and took a seat in the armchair beside it. He sighs heavily, typical for him, and I imagine him rubbing his freshly shaved jaw as he does. "Emma," he breathes.

"Emilie," I correct, turning on my side to face him.

"Emilie... I'm sorry I'm still getting used to it." He says truthfully, and I believe him.

I open my eyes to peer at him. He's sitting in the chair with his elbows on his knees, looking like a worried father. He wears a black suit like he does every day, with a white button-down and a plain black tie. His socks are a grey diamond pattern one that disappears up the foot of his slacks. He has a platinum Rolex on his left hand because he's left-handed like Sierra. I look at his face and notice his 5 o'clock shadow is gone, which highlights the significance of the aftershave coming from him. His turquoise eyes are dulling with age, but they still have a lot of compassion as he looks at me.

I gulp and nod at his statement. "It's okay, Sir. Rome wasn't built in a day."

He makes a fist and covers it with his other hand, before switching hands and repeating the gesture. "I was worried about you, Emilie." I wince, already expecting to hear the worst. I wish I could read his mind and know already. "But we've seen improvements, so I think sending you home would be good for you."

I sigh, my eyes closing again as relief washes over me. "Thank you, Sir."

He nods. "Sierra will be here to pick you up, until then, we'd like to do one last check-up to make sure you're okay." I tense. Harvey notices and adds quickly. "Grace will do it. She's already here."

At the mention of her name, I relax. "Where is she? Did you tell her about the nose bleeds?"

"Getting your file and I didn't tell her. You asked me not to."  He stands and his big frame blocks out most of the lights. He comes close to me and leans over, keeping eye contact. "If this happens again Emilie please reach out or come back here. I know you like keeping everything bottled up but I'm begging you, for the safety of my daughter and innocent people."

"I will."

There is a knock on the door and it steals our attention. Harvey takes a step back as I watch the door. "Come in,"

Grace opens the door and steps in and immediately she's the only thing I can see. She's wearing her hair up in a ponytail, which she never does, and has a light layer of make-up on which I'm sure is Sierra's doing. She wears jeans and a dark blue shirt, carrying a bouquet of green carnations in one hand and a clipboard in the other.  She smiles when she sees me and I smile back.

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