Chapter 8

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Psssssst! Emilie.

I open my eyes at the sound of my name, looking about. It's morning, early since Grace is still in bed and she is usually one to rise with the sun.


Quit it. Another voice says. They don't match Sierra's or Grace's voices. They are familiar though, almost as if I am talking to myself and someone else. But who and where are they? Carefully, I peel away from Grace and slid off the bed, tiptoeing towards the portrait on the wall. I shift it aside, punching in the code for my safe. My Glock stares at me for only a second before I snatch it up, edging towards the door with careful steps. I keep my back against the wall as I open it, slip through, and then close it lightly behind me.

The apartment is quiet, and the expensive-looking furniture is deserted. Nothing seems out of place to how we left it last night. Nothing suggests a break-in. I double-check the entrance and the door is still locked. I check Irelee's room and she's still asleep. Sighing with relief, I enter the kitchen and start the coffee. Grace will be up soon, and I know she's going to need a cup before she's functional. I feed Billie, put on some non-caffeinated tea for Sierra, and then go back to brush my teeth.

Psssst! I hear again and pause with the toothbrush in my mouth. Okay, I'm just going to pretend as if I didn't hear that. Yes, that's precisely what I am going to do.

Great, now look at what you've done. You scared her.

Ignoring the voices, I finish brushing my teeth and wash my face. As I dry my hands, I hear them again. Now that that's over and done with, how about we go for a run? You've been lazy with our body.

Okay, that sounds like Emma. "It's my body if you've forgotten." I roll my eyes at her remark. She's such a character. Gotta love her. "Are you in my head?"

Yes. I told you we're always here with you. Oriane answers, and she's so polite.

"Oh, that's cool." It isn't cool. I am freaking out. Am I going insane? Is this another dream because it can't be reality? I don't usually have voices in my head! "So, you're like my intuition?"

Or conscience.

"Does that mean you guys know everything I know? Feel everything-"

Yup! Nice going last night, by the way. DADDY Emilie! Aye! Aye!

I slap a hand on my face, cringing from what Emma said and equally embarrassed on her behalf. "That was mostly Oriane. Oriane, can't you like shut her up or something? Maybe swat her like a fly. I don't know."

Sorry, love. I can't.

She tried, but I'm a goddess. Untouchable.

I'll find a way to shut her up soon. In the meantime, I had fun last night. Oriane says, and she's so polite about it. Thank you for that. It makes me smile. Unlike somebody!

I blush and put my toothbrush away. "You're welcome. So, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? Last time you scolded me for trying to access your abilities, but I haven't done anything since so...?"

Sierra is pregnant.

She says, and her voice is light with excitement. "Yes," I say, keeping my voice guarded. "And?"


My blush deepens. They sound so genuinely happy and excited. Even Emma and she is hard to get a reaction from. A good one, at least. I wash my face, hopefully washing away some of the heat in my cheeks too. "Thank you. But seriously, what's going on? Why are you here? Haunting me."

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