Chapter 5

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Pain is the first thing I feel, even before I realise, I'm still alive. A groan escapes my dry throat and I wince, pressing my fingers to where it hurts. It's bright, so I kept my eyes close for a few seconds, allowing them to gently adjust to the light before I open them to peer at my wounds. There are minor cuts everywhere, but the one on my forearm hurts the most. It's bandaged all the way around and is almost soaked through with blood.

Why am I not healing? I did nothing. I didn't channel any of Oriane's abilities. I've been good and listened, so why?


Isabelle's voice steals my attention and I find her sitting on the chair beside my bed. She reaches for my hand and squeezed it. "How are you feeling? You passed out."

I'm freaking out, Iz. I can't heal anymore and that means I'm thoroughly useless! I wanted to scream but I smile kindly at her, settling for. "Like crap."

My eyes scan the room and I recognise every detail as if it was me who put it together. The bed still smells like me even though it's been a week and the Coronations that I left in the vase by the window are still here.

Back at the FBI headquarters. Nice.

Frowning, I face Isabelle again. She looks tired. "Where's Sierra?"

"She's next door." She stands slowly, offering her hand to me again. "Let's go check on her."

I nod and ease myself off the bed before taking her hand. We left the room together. The hallway is bright and full of passing agents. Some wave and say hi to me and I reply with a small smile. We go to the room next door and enter after a few knocks. Grace sat in the armchair by Sierra's bedside, standing when she sees me.

I motion for her to sit back down as I climb into bed with Sierra. She wraps her arm around me immediately and pulls me into an embrace. Isabelle closes the door and took a seat in the empty armchair beside Grace. Grace hands her a clipboard she's holding and for the first time, I notice how nervous she is.

"What's that?" I ask.

Isabelle and Grace exchange a look. "That's both of your test's results," Grace tells me.

Sierra's grip tightens around me. "T-that's today? Like right now?"

Grace had set an appointment for us tomorrow since all the pregnancy tests came back negative. She wanted to just make sure everything checks out. Doing it tonight is sensible though, since we're already here. Why not? But the sudden bump up in schedule has me anxious. I thought I had more time to mentally prepare myself for the possible news that I'm dying. Fuck. I'll take being pregnant right now. A couple of months without red wine and coffee doesn't sound that bad. Shit.

Sierra slipped her hand into mine and squeezes it. I squeeze back and we stay like that while we await the news.

"Before we get to those, I'm going to check your vitals. Starting with you, Em," Isabelle says, walking to me. She is in complete doctor mode now. Dr Isabelle LaRue-Wonski, ladies and gentlemen.

I sigh as she comes forward, getting out a stethoscope. I sit up for her to do her thing, feeling the instrument pressing firmly against my chest. Deep breath in, deep breath out. She put it against my back and repeat.

"How were you feeling before you passed out?"

I shrug half-heartedly. "Fine. I think I maybe just stood up too fast and my blood pressure dropped. I feel fine."

"That's a possibility," she says coming with the blood pressure cuff. She fixes it on my arm and takes the reading. Grace is standing beside her, noting everything. Neither of their expressions is readable.

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