Chapter 10

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It's three a.m. and I should be asleep, but I can't. The morning is approaching fast, but I want to hold on to the night longer. I want to stay in bed cuddling my soon-to-be wives. Feeling their warmth and their bodies against mine. I want to stay where my daughter is and be there when she's waking up and make her breakfast and lunch and everything in between.

But when the daylight comes, I'll have to go.

Wherever Angelina Kozlov is, I'll have to find her. Even if she's in Zimbabwe or on the moon. It breaks my heart knowing that I'll have to tell Grace and Sierra. They're both going to be pissed at me and I'm dreading it. I can handle one of them being mad at me, preferably Sierra because she is the easiest to win over, but Grace will hold a grudge to her grave. I can't handle them both being mad at me at the same time.

They'll forgive you. Oriane tells me for what feels like the millionth time since yesterday and I hope she's right.

The stress of the situation feels like it's turning my hair grey. I already feel older. I sigh again and glance at the clock. 4:15 am. My eyes bulge and my heart quickens. 4:15? Wasn't it just 3 am?

"Love? What's bothering you?" Grace whispers, disturbing the quiet of the night.

Pulling my eyes away from the ceiling, I look at her. She's laying on her side facing me, her head snuggling into her arm while her other arm is draped over me. Her eyes are still closed and she doesn't move. There is no other sign that she is awake. For a second, I think I imagined her speaking until she speaks again. "Em,"

I have to tell her. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I turn on my side, coming face to face with her. She opens her eyes, meeting mine. They pierce me in the dark and I feel like I want to just fade away into the sheets. How am I supposed to break her heart? How am I supposed to tell her that despite her begging me for the last six weeks to be careful, to come home, today, I'm going to do the opposite?

Taking a deep breath, I reach out to caress her face. "Did I wake you?"

"I couldn't go back to sleep after Sierra. What's wrong, baby?" her fingers draw lines on my back.

"I have to tell you something and you're going to be upset with me."

She is quiet, waiting for me to go on but I can't speak. My heart is beating so fast and suddenly hers is too. She's already so worried. "I'm listening," She breathes and her voice is calm. Encouraging.

"Harvey is sending a team of agents to Houston and I'm one of them."

There's a long pause as she just stares at me. I feel her trying to invade my thoughts and I just let her. I'd rather not say it anyway. The minute her heartbeat changes, I hear it. I can almost hear it breaking as she pierces me with her eyes. For a minute, she just lays there and her heart is hammering in her chest and she's breathing hard as she searches my head for all the answers to her questions. I hide nothing, making them all available to her. She takes them all but left me there as she reaches for the duvet, peeling it away from her to stand up.


I reach for her, but she just flashes me off with a glare as she makes it to her feet and silently walks to the bathroom. She closes the door behind her and I hear the lock click then a minute later I hear the shower running. I wipe my face with my hand as I look over at Sierra with dread. One down, one to go.

Scooting closer, I wrap my arms around her and she immediately snuggles into my embrace. We stay like that for the next half hour and the whole time my mind is on Grace and the bathroom shower that is still going. I know she isn't just showering. She's crying too, and it makes me feel like shit.

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