Chapter 11

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That's sniffling, and that's Sierra.

I glance at the clock on my bedside table and it's just a few minutes past one. I groan, rolling onto my side to face her. My hand finds her face, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Again?"

"I'm sorry," she sobs.

"Baby, we can't," I say as gently as possible. It hurts me to deny her this, but we really couldn't.

"Fuck this. Fuck everything. This is the third night in a row," Grace complains, getting out of bed. "And I'm tired of it. She's tired of it. We're all tired of it and I'm sleep deprived and just fucking tired." She grabs her phone from the loveseat near the double doors to the balcony and dials someone. It could only be Isabelle.

She puts the phone on the loudspeaker and crawls back into bed with us. Her hand finds Sierra and their fingers lace instantly, sharing Sierra's suffering. The phone went to voicemail, and she redialled. This time, Iz picks up on the first ring.

"What happened?" she asks in a half panic.

"I need you to tell me right now that I can have sex with my fiancée."

Isabelle sighs. "Grace," she sighs again. "It's one in the morning."

"I know it's one in the morning. How do you think I know that? Because I can't sleep and haven't slept for the past three nights because she can't sleep and when she can't sleep, I can't sleep. Do you know why? Because I'm busy trying to take her horniness away which makes me horny. So tell me, Isabelle, please, that I can have sex with my fiancée tonight. Just this once, please,"

"I'm sorry," Iz starts and I swear all three of our hearts fall to the floor. But it hits Sierra the hardest. I Believe her when she says she can't endure this anymore and I feel so guilty about it.

I motion for Grace to give the phone to me and she does, happily. "Iz," I start and my voice is gruff. "I'm tired. She's trying her best but nothing is working. She needs this and we, Grace and I, need to sleep."

"I do not recommend it Emma, but if it's the only way she's going to make it through this pregnancy, fine. Do what you must but..." Nothing she says after that reaches my brain as I throw the phone back to Grace. I think I even teleport myself between Sierra's legs. Fuck, I don't know. All I know is, my fingers are hooked in the waistband of her underwear, pulling it off. I kiss her belly as I discard them. "Be good boys and stay in there. Mom needs this."

She laughs through her tears, lifting her hips so I could free her of the thing that dares to stand between us. "Can you even see anything?" Grace wonders.

"I don't need to see anything," I tell her, lowering my head to the place I know Sierra has dreamt of it being every night for the past two months. "I know what I want," I say giving her a slow kiss, hearing her moan as her hips bucks towards me. "And where to find it." My hands find her hips, holding onto them as I kiss her another time.

She shudders beneath me and if I didn't know better, I'd say she's already on the brink of an orgasm. But I'm going to make this last as long as possible, not too long but more than a couple of kisses. If this is the last time of the year, I want her to enjoy it as much as she can. "Right, baby?"

She hums and her hands are already in my hair, holding me right where she wants me to be. I can't possibly explain how much I missed her all this time. How much I dreamt of this moment myself and now that it's here I'm beyond happy. It's dark and I can't see what's going on above my head but I know Gracie has it under control. There isn't a second where her lips aren't on Sierra's, or her breast or her neck. That one spot on her neck that drives her wild is Grace's favourite place to attack and tonight she's making it rain fire there.

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