Chapter 9

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I pull into the driveway and kill my engine behind Grace's car. She's usually not home this early, especially on a Monday, but I begged her to get here by the time I'm home. I've been planning this for weeks and I hope to God it's not ruined by Harvey's sudden Inconvenient timing. 

It's dark, and it's getting chilly with the coming of fall. The trees are already trading their green for orange and maroon and pumpkins are everywhere. It is my favourite season. I am happy. Was...

My eyes fall to the tiny box in the passenger seat, and I pick it up. It's a deep navy-blue colour, velvety to the touch. Inside, it's lined with white satin and houses a plush little cushion with two platinum rings on top. Each ring is similar, yet different. One with three pieces of shimmering diamond studs on either side of a bigger, shinier aquamarine stone.

The other has only one diamond on each side, with a smaller, more subtle emerald stone than Sierra's Aquamarine. Sierra likes big, bright, and beautiful, so I want to always match her energy. I did it once and I get the chance to do it again, only this time I get to do it better. Grace couldn't care less. She would marry me with a paper ring in a courthouse with just a preacher. She wasn't fussy about anything and it's admirable. But I wanted to give her something that would match her taste too, not as big and flashy as Sierra's and risk her hating it. Hers is significantly more subtle but is still something to look at and just as expensive.

I close the box and shove it into my pocket. "Alright, wish me luck."

Good luck! Oriane tells me. And breathe, it's going to be fine.

"They are going to kill me in the morning. Grace is going to have my head on a spike."

They'll forgive you.

"I hope you're right." Grabbing my things, I hop out of the car and lock it on my way up to the front door. When I push the door open and go inside, the house is quiet. I kick my shoes off and throw my keys in the ashtray before shrugging off my jacket. Billie finds me, wagging his tail. "Lovies?"


I run up the stairs, taking them two at a time, Billie on my heels. Rounding the corner to our bedroom, I peek through the door, seeing an empty room. "Where?"

"Third floor!"

Again, I'm running up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I'm breathless when I finally get there. "What are you even doing up here? You're supposed to be in bed."

I slide down the hall and arrive at the entrance of our third-floor living room. Grace is sitting on the couch and Sierra is laying on her. Both their eyes find me and I see them stretching their arms towards me. I smile, going up to them, kissing Grace on her cheek and doing the same with Sierra. My hand finds her bump and I run my hand over it, saying hello to the little ones in there. I can feel them moving about. I feel a strong kick against my palm and Sierra winces.

"Ow! That was my rib." She removes my hand with a pout. "Move. You're making them hyper. Let them go back to sleep."

I grin and kiss her face. "Sorry baby. How does the nursery look?"

Grace perks up at my question. "Come see. It's gorgeous."

She takes Sierra's hand and pulls her from the couch then she takes one of my hands and pulls us down the hall back towards the stairs. We went down a floor, where all our main bedrooms are. The nursery is closer to our room because it makes sense for it to be. Grace pushes the door open and leads us inside. We went neutral with the colour scheme. All the furniture is black while the window trims, doors and baseboards are white. The walls are a medium grey colour and we actually have carpet in here because we thought it would be safer.

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