Chapter 4

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The first thing I hear is Sierra going off in the bathroom. It's been our alarm every morning this week and I know she's sick of it just as much as we are. I open my eyes and Grace is admiring me. I blushed, and she did the same, burying her head in my chest. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer, inhaling her sweet scent of cinnamon and apples. "Good morning, Baby."

She is in a better mood today. When she woke up on Monday and heard what happened at the park, she was furious. Thank God Irelee heals fast, so the bruises didn't stay. Ever since then, Grace has been overprotective and just angry at the world, which I understand.

She went on a whole rant for days.

"I should fucking quit this shit and let them all die!" She seethed at me, her eyes glowing. Her words were filled with so much anger and wrath. Enough to make anyone fear for their lives. I feared for my life, but unlike Sierra, I didn't cower and run away. I empathized with her because this side of Grace was still very new for her and she was still getting used to it. Nevertheless, that meant I had to be the one to stay all the while praying she didn't kill me. 

"Why do I even waste my fucking time and energy to save these people when all they do is constantly hurt my baby!"

That statement was filled with more hurt and sadness than anger and I felt for her. I felt her and as much as I was angry too, I had to be rational in this. I couldn't just end the world because I could. I walked up to her effectively stopping her from pacing by blocking her path, then taking her face into my hands. Her eyes didn't dull, her anger unwavering. "Because you're a good person," I tried to remind her. 

She scowled at me, stepping out of my grasp and pivoting to pace in the opposite direction. "I should slaughter this entire planet! Starting with that miniature stunted growth excuse of a boy and his mother!" She flipped around to face me again. "Baby, just tell me where they are and this world will be purged of two more waste of space, I promise."

"Gracie... c'mere." This time, I captured her small frame into a tight hug, but at that point, I also realised that she wasn't going to calm down and listen to any reason until she blew off her steam. So, I allowed her to and it took a few days.

She's in a better mood today and I'm thankful for that. "Good morning, Love." She answers and kisses my chest. "We should go check on Blondie."

I nod, pushing back the covers. "Agreed."

She follows me to the bathroom and we see Sierra lying on the bathroom floor like she does every day. She has her phone with her and is playing Candy Crush. "On a scale of 1-10–"

"25." She groans before I even finish asking.

Grace sits beside her, taking her hand and I just know she's trying to share Sierra's discomfort. "How about now?" she asks.

Sierra nods, slowly getting up into a sitting position. "A five."

"Good." Grace's smile lights up the room, and I find myself fascinated by her awesomeness.  How she manages to do this all the time is beyond me. "Come on," she says, rising and pulling Sierra up with her. "We have a big day ahead of us. Emilie's sisters are coming. Fun!"

I roll my eyes at her playful sarcasm, continuing to brush my teeth. The anxiety about seeing my sisters is gnawing at me, but I keep my worries to myself. If Harvey finds out that I'm not better,  he'd insist on my return to HQ. But leaving my family now, when we're all caught up in a whirlwind of events, is the last thing I want. When Sierra is going through something and we don't even know what.

Initially, we thought she was pregnant. The symptoms were all there, but the test came back negative. Not just one, but three tests. Three negatives can't be wrong so now I'm stomped. I don't know what's wrong. Even Grace, with all her wisdom, is clueless. And if Grace doesn't have the answers, we're likely dealing with something serious.

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