Chapter 12

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The three-hour flight to Houston felt like forever and at four fifteen PM I'm walking towards the hotel room where Harvey told me to meet them at. I dialled him again as I stroll down the hall, studying each room door and making a note of everything. "Emilie," he says as he picks up.

"Sir, which room is it again?"

"512. Hurry and get here."

The urgency in his voice doesn't go unnoticed, and it makes me uneasy. "I'm on my way."

I run the rest of the journey. I would have teleported but I can't teleport to places I've never been before. Makes sense, but right now I wish we could screw the fucking logic. Panting, I knocked on the door. When it opens, Andrew is grinning at me. "Late as always, LaRue and an entire day, too."

My eyes roll involuntarily as I make my way inside, greeting the group of agents as I did. Harvey is sitting behind a desk before his computer with his back turned to me. "Agent LaRue, I know you're probably jet-lagged and want to rest for a while, but we have a problem. An immense problem."

He turns to face me, his face impassive. I can't tell what's happening or whether it's good or bad. "Angelina Kozlov is not in Texas." He says, distressingly.

I halt and the room goes silent around me. "Then where the hell is she?"

He calls me over with his finger and I go, peering at his computer screen as he points at it. "This was an hour ago" he explains.

On the screen, there's video footage from what looks like the hallway of an apartment building. It looks familiar but I don't want to make any assumptions. Angelina is threading carefully down the hallway until she stops before a door. The camera zooms in on the door and I feel as if somebody poured ice-frozen water over me. That's my fucking apartment! We currently don't live there anymore but that is still my fucking apartment which means this bitch is after me and my family.

"She knew we were coming," I say as realisation kicks in. "We got played."

Snapping my gun from its holster, I point it at the room full of agents who are now staring at me as if I've lost my mind. They haven't seen me when I've lost my mind yet. Harvey seems to know exactly what I was thinking and when I glance at him, he's backing me up.

"We still have a fucking rat!" He screamed at them.

"And one of you is going to tell us who it is or I'm going to put a bullet through each of you." My gun presses the chest of the agent closest to me. Vanessa Peutherer. She was fairly new. Started almost a year ago and still have a lot to learn. Have made some really stupid yet detrimental mistakes in the past. While your past doesn't define who you are, sometimes it does. "Starting with you."

My phone rings, stealing my attention before I can get an answer out of her. A glance at the caller ID tells me it's Grace. I sigh, somewhat relieved.

"I got it," Harvey assured me and I nod, stepping aside to answer. "Baby,"

"Emilie, Sierra called. Someone is in the house..."

The next second I'm in our house, in the basement with my gun ready to shoot anything that moves. "I'm here. Get here as soon as possible."

"I'm on my way."

I hung up and access our security system from my phone, locking all the doors and activating all the trigger alarms. They're normally on all the time but we had all the cleaning crew and designers come in today, and with them touching everything and being everywhere, I disabled them to prevent all the false alarms. Big mistake. I always let my guard down and it always comes back to bite me in the fucking ass.

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