Chapter 2

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Who knows how long we spent in the shower and who cares? When we finally find the strength to resist each other, we come out wrapped in towels. I glance at the bed as I follow Grace into our walk-in closet and sure enough, Sierra is still asleep. "Something is wrong."

Grace looks at me before going back to her search for clothes. "She's still out? How long has it been?"

I glance at the clock on the wall. "Almost three hours."

She frowns and grabs a shirt and a pair of shorts that she quickly drags on. She hesitates before heading out, her face thoughtful. "Do you think–" she begins but then she stops. I raise a curious brow, encouraging her to go on, but she just shakes her head. "Never mind. That's not it." She heads towards the door. "Check on her? I'm going to check on Irelee and prepare lunch."

I nod. "I'll join you in a second."

Sighing, I pick out a T-shirt and black sweatpants and drag them on. Then I exit into the bedroom to check on Sierra. She has her face cuddled into the pillows as she sleeps. She looks peaceful, radiant, and almost glowing. I hop onto the bed beside her and press the back of my hand against her forehead. She doesn't have a temperature which is good but that just makes me more confused because if she isn't sick, then what the hell is wrong?

My fingers brush against her cheek and she stirs gently. "Baby?"

"Hmmm," she hums, but her eyes never open. Not even a little.

I tap against her closed eyelids, which is how I usually wake her up and I got a smile out of her. "Hey sleeping beauty," I breathe, running my fingers through her hair.

"Hmmm," She opens her eyes to look at me and I almost melted into the sheets.

"How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted."  She climbs onto me and lays her head against my chest.

I frown, still, I embrace her. "You slept for three hours, baby."

"I slept for an hour. It's hard to sleep through Grace screaming in the bathroom."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "I'm so sorry," I apologise, kissing her forehead.

She snuggles further into me. "It's okay. She needed it."

She's quiet for a minute, and I fear she's falling back asleep. "Baby?"


"You need to get up now."

She groans and reluctantly, raises her head. She meets my eyes and smiles. I kiss her lips and she hums again. Then, just like that, she's up. She throws away the blanket to hop off the bed, "alright I'm starving."

"Grace is making lunch," I tell her as she disappears into the bathroom.

"What is she making? I can't stand Mac and cheese right now. No offence Em." I heard water splashing as I appear at the bathroom door and I see her brushing her teeth. I admire her for a second under the low glow of the bathroom lights. She's radiant. "Did you get me ice cream?" She needs to know. "Did you get vanilla? Do you think vanilla ice cream and Mac and cheese will taste good?"

I gag involuntarily. "Oh my God, I just threw up in my mouth a little. That's gross."

She shrugs. "You're right. The Mac and cheese will definitely spoil the ice cream."

I shake my head and follow her down the hall, through the living room and into the kitchen. Our apartment isn't huge but it's big enough because when Sierra and I first bought it we bought it with the intention of starting our family here. Even if this wasn't going to be our forever home. It can last us a few years before we outgrow it. The kitchen is spacious and had a huge island counter that hosts six bar stools. Our adjoining dining room has a big table to seat ten. Why? Because I have a huge ass family and we needed space to put them all when we had everybody over.

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