Chapter 2

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Willowpaw: Black she-cat with green eyes.

shadowcat: mysterious shadow looking cat with coral eyes and coral tail tip

Alex: cream and white tom with blue eyes.

Whitepaw: cream and white tom with brown eyes.

Blazepaw: Dark and red tom with orange stripes and yellow paws and has amber eyes.

Hopestar: Pink she-cat with tan muzzle and green eyes. Leader of flowerclan.

Lightningtail: Tan tom with black lightning strike design on his back and blue eyes.

Deerpelt: Brown tabby she-cat with white paws and brown eyes.

Amberfur: rude, snoody orange she-cat with yellow stripes and blue eyes.

Willowpaw was running, running as fast as she could from this monster. She looked behind herself, only to see the shadow cat running right behind her. Her heart jumped as she looked away quickly. She just kept running, not knowing where to go, the shadow cat was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, Willowpaw saw huge claws about to catch her. She kept going as fast as she could, losing her breath, then, the shadow cat jumped letting out mrrow and caught Willowpaw with teeth and claws. Then she woke up. In her moss bed, she looked to the right and saw Alex. "Come on sleepy head!" He yelled. "We're starting our training!" Willowpaw rose up out of bed. She just remembered that they have to wake up early to start. "Sorry, I was dreaming.." she began. Alex looked at her with delight. "That's fine. We're not late. Come on, Whitepaw's outside with Blazepaw." He said. "Blazepaw? Ew." Willowpaw said in annoyance. She followed Alex out of the apprentice's den as the two saw Whitwpaw and Blazepaw waiting outside. Whitwpaw noticed them and his mood turned happier. "Hey guys." He said. Blazepaw just rolled his eyes. Willowpaw blushed at Whitepaw. "Hi Whitepaw!" Then she looked at Blazepaw. "What's gotten you in a bad mood?" she asked hoping he wouldn't claw her fur off. "I'm just waiting for my mentor, kit." He hissed. Willowpaw ignored the insult and sat next to Whitepaw. "Lightningtail said we're getting a tour of the forest." He began. "Ooo. I wonder what we'll see." She said excitedly. "Probably some big scary fox!" Said Alex. Willowpaw shivered. "I hope not! I hate foxes!" she hissed. "Why?" asked Blazepaw. All the apprentices looked at him. "Why? Did you just ask why? Foxes kill cats! And they're not easy to fight." Alex said. Blazepaw grinned. "It's not cool that they do that, but they are really cool looking." He said. Willowpaw didn't think so. She hated foxes to the core. If she ever saw one, she would want to rip it's fur off completely. (No offense to the fox fans lol) Her thoughts were interrupted when Hopestar, Lightningtail, A tabby she-cat, and Amberfur walked over to the apprentices. "Hello apprentices." Hopestar said. "Blazepaw, you finally have friends now." Hopestar said purring. "This, is not what I meant by--" Blazepaw was silenced by his mentor, the tabby she-cat when she lashed her tail in annoyence. Blazepaw rolled his eyes. Apprentices we're not supposed to interrupt the mentors, especially the leader. Alex leaned in and whispered in Willowpaw's ear. "I don't think Blazepaw and Deerpelt get along." Willowpaw just nodded to him. She knew Blazepaw doesn't get along with anycat. Hopestar flicked her tail to the exit of the camp awkwardly. "Let's show you four the forest, where prey is found." Willowpaw got up with excitement, this was her first time going out of the camp. The three warriors followed Hopestar outside. Then Blazepaw went first infront of us. Bumping Whitepaw rudely. Willowpaw wanted to hiss at the tom. Whitepaw soon followed and then Willowpaw. Alex went last. 

The four mentors showed us all the wonderful things of the forest and where prey hides. Then they showed us an special tree called "The Leafless Oak" it meant that not all trees are the same and some of them don't belong in the forest. That felt deep but Willowpaw didn't know why. Then they showed us the "Thunderepath" where monsters run along to catch whatever cats crossed it. and they ate twolegs! Willowpaw didn't like the thunderpath, nocat did. After teaching about why we should patrol the borders day and night and guard the camp every night, they all went back home. All they did that day was a tour, but they said we will hunt tomorrow. Willowpaw was excited. Unfortunately, Blazepaw already knows how to hunt, but not how to fight. Heck, he even caught squirrel on the way home! Whitwpaw, Alex, and Willowpaw were all jealous.

When the cats got home, it was dark. Blazepaw gave his squirrel to one of the queens. Whitepaw yawned and headed for the apprentice's den. Willowpaw spotted him and followed. As Whitepaw settled in his nest, Willowpaw came over and curled next to him. Whitepaw got startled and moved away from her. "Oh, Willowpaw it's just you." He said. "S-sorry Whitepaw! I thought you knew I was here haha!" She said embarrassed. "It's fine." He said calmly. "I just wanna be a hunter." Willowpaw moved closer. "You will be. You just need to learn." She said smiling at him. Whitepaw just looked at the ground. "I hope. I have a feeling I just won't be good at it and.. ugh." He dipped his head in his paws. Willowpaw looked at him in sorrow. "I promise you will be one of the best hunters in the forest!" She said trying to cheer him up. Whitepaw finally looked at her. "Okay...I guess..." He sighed. "Willowpaw I have a feeling I don't belong--" Alex came in with a big mouse in his jaws. "Hey guys." He said. Willowpaw looked at it. "Where did you get that?" She asked. "The fresh-kill pile. You didn't think I caught it did you? I don't know how to hunt." He said in amusement. "Of course not." She said back. Then she looked at Whitepaw. He was sleeping, curled up next to Willowpaw. Willowpaw blushed. Then she realized  she had feelings for Whitepaw all along. She hoped that one day they could be together forever. Then she curled next to him, and they fell asleep. Alex on the other hand, ate his mouse and fell asleep. Tomorrow was a new day for the apprentices. 

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