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Sparkle-ear walked along feeling the warm StarClan grass against her paws. she had to go quicker, she didn't want to be late to a meeting with Gorsestar. She started to pick up the pace hearing the wild grass picking up, feeling the wind in her face as she ran through passing trees. she was almost there, she could smell the scent of her friend and former leader of IvyClan. Sparkle-ear was Gorsestar's deputy, but not just that. They were best friends and always had each other's backs. Gorsestar was her only friend, so she didn't want to be late. As the scent got more and more close, Sparkle-ear slowed, and found the pile of bushes. She leaped through the bushes only to see a cat at the end. He was a strong light gray cat with dark gray paws and tip of tail. his ear was torn from the great enemy, Darkstar. back when these cats were alive, Darkstar was a killer, and hungry for power. He wanted to rule all the clans, just like way back then when the forest had Tigerstar. Gorsestar killed Darkstar and the forest was safe once more. But Sparkle-ear died in the battle, so she couldn't be leader. Now we have new cats in the forest and new leaders. but no enemies. The clans was safe and happy again. "Hello Sparkle-ear. I was hoping you'd come. I must talk to you about this cat." Sparkle-ear sat down on the grass. "yes, Gorsestar I'm here, I'm just a little late know--" "more bugs?" asked Gorsestar. "yes, more bugs. they're crawling everywhere! and I can't even put my paws on anything because of them! Good thing Beechwater eats them, even though it is disgusting. Can you imagine? eating bugs? Yuck!" Gorsestar rolled his eyes. "That old cat can eat anything he likes. Anyhow, Poppytail is going to have kits soon, and I'm very interested in the--". "Poppytail? who's that?" Gorsestar flicked his tail. "Shes a cat from FlowerClan and--." "FlowerClan? why are we sticking our noses into FlowerClan's business?" The fur on Gorsestar's pelt began to rise. "Because one of her kits does not look like a FlowerClan cat. Just take a look for yourselve." Gorsestar showed Sparkle-ear the small pool which showed a mother with three kits in her belly. "that black one, does not look fit enough for FlowerClan. she doesn't even look like her siblings!" "You know cats don't have to 'look' right for their clan, right?" Said Sparkle-ear. "You don't understand. FlowerClan cats are more flexible with thick paw pads. This kit does not look flexible at all for her clan, and her paw pads are thin! its just like ours. Everything about this kit reminds me of IvyClan, not FlowerClan." yowled Gorsestar. "Maybe she will grow into it." said Sparkle-ear. "You can't just grow into how a clan cat looks! All FlowerClan cats look flexible and thickpadded. it's their nature. This kit doesn't have any of that. She looks exactly like an IvyClan cat." said Gorsestar. "Well she has FlowerClan blood." reminded Sparkle-ear. "Sparkle-ear listen to me...I think this kit is the Gift..." Sparkle-ear gasped. "You really think so?" Gorsestar nodded. "Well you're never wrong...Okay, i'll send a sign to the FlowerClan medicine cat." said Sparkle-ear. "That sounds good. I can't wait to see what this young she-cat does..."

Everything was peaceful, until...BOOM! A cat appeared in Oreoleaf's dream. The cat was colorful and had  twocolored eyes. one eye was amber, one eye was blue. and she had a sparkly unicorn horn on her head. She sat down and nodded. "hello Oreoleaf. I am Sparkle-ear, former deputy of IvyClan, and I have come to give you a message." said Sparkle-ear kindly. "Is this a trick? Is this what IvyClan warriors do? Spy?" hissed Oreoleaf. " Sparkle-ear sighed. "No, like I said, I'm here for a message." "What is it? I'm already so busy." hissed Oreoleaf. "One of Poppytail's kits is not a real FlowerClan cat. She was put in the wrong clan. She is an IvyClan cat." said Sparkle-ear. "What? You're saying our kits don't belong in our clan? You IvyClan cats don't make sense. Sorry if your clan has little mouths to feed, but all the cats here belong to FlowerClan." "Not the black kit. You must listen to me. She is not a FlowerClan cat. When she is older, you must talk to her and bring her to IvyClan where she belongs. This is all coming from Gorsestar, and he is never wrong. Please, remember my words..." Sparkle-ear disappeared into nothingness, and Oreoleaf woke up. He looked around the den and saw his herbs neatly lined on his shelves. He saw the sleeping injured apprentices who fought a fox. Then the message Sparkleear said came to Oreoleaf's mind. "I won't let you down, StarClan..."

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