Chapter 7

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Willowpaw walked to Alex at the apprentice's den. Alex looked up at her. "Hey Willowpaw." He said cheerfully. Willowpaw sat down. "Alex don't try to sound all joyful. You know you and me have been depressed lately." She told him. "That's why I'm trying to sound joyful to get over it." He said as he took a bite of a mouse from the fresh kill pile. Willowpaw sighed and added. "Well I wanted to tell you something pretty important that Oreoleaf told me." She said. Then he stopped eating and looked at her with confusion. Willowpaw talked to him about how Oreoleaf told her to move to IvyClan and why. "Oh great! Another friend leaving!" He shouted. "No, Alex. That's why I'm asking you to come with me." She said looking at him hopefully. Alex looked at her. "What? I mean...Willowpaw I'd love to but what about my mother? She'll be heartbroken if I leave. She's already sad over Whitepaw..." Willowpaw felt sorry for Dockheart. "Well if you want to stay here, you can, but I have to go." Alex thought for a moment. "Can I just think about all this for a bit?" He asked. Willowpaw's heart filled with hope. "Of course." She said. Then she walked away, leaving Alex alone. I don't want to leave quite yet. I might take a nap. She found a place to sleep on the nearest rock. She lay herself on the rock keeping her tail near her right paws. Then gave a big yawn and closed her eyes.

Willowpaw felt like she was in a dream. She was in a dream! BUt this dream felt so real...She was in a forest. A beautiful forest. The trees weren't crowding around her, the sun felt so good on her pelt. She could smell a lot of prey. And there were pretty rivers to drink out of. She's never seen such a wonderful place. Then something startled her. "Who are you?!" A handsome white tom with blue eyes like the ocean called at her. For a moment, Willowpaw could barley answer the cat. He looked "Hey, I'm talking to you! Get off our territory!" He shouted. Suddenly Willowpaw was snapped out of her thoughts. "I-I-where am I?" She said back. The Tom tilted his head and sniffed. "Oh! You're just a FlowerClan cat! Sorry for yelling. Yeah, you're in IvyClan territory." Willowpaw gasped. IvyClan?! Then a paw was touching her and she woke up. It was Hopestar. "Willowpaw, are you okay? You were talking in your sleep." She said. Talking in my sleep?! She looked at her mentor and leader and sister with embarrassment. "Ofcourse I'm okay! Wha-what was I saying?" She asked. Hopestar blinked. "I couldn't really tell. I was just getting worried." She said. Willowpaw felt sad. She had to leave that beautiful forest and that beautiful cat all for her sister's worries! "Well I'm fine." She said angerly trying not to show disrespect for her clan leader. Soon she won't be my leader. And she won't be my mentor either. Is this really worth it? Leaving  my clan?...Ofcourse it's worth it, furball! StarClan said so! She got off her paws, too mad to sleep. Hopestar looked sorry and padded away. So did Willowpaw. She was almost to the point where she hated this clan. It's so dirty and gloomy at night. The prey is the same and everyone is boring. Everyday it's just hunting patrol, training, eating and sleeping. Nothing else. She wished this clan had more fun. But no, It was just stupid boring FlowerClan with it's stupid boring cats, except Alex. 

I'm leaving very soon FlowerClan. Very soon.

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