976 50 45

originally published july 27, 2022

pairing: knight!steven grant x fem!princess!reader x knight!marc spector x knight!jake lockley

series summary: you were a princess who would rather be anything but a royal; he was the knight her father forced her to marry—a true match made in hell if there ever was one. but, as the wedding inches closer and closer, it seems that, perhaps, your father had finally done something right by you.

chapter summary: marc decides to give you a chance.

word count: 7,060

warnings?: royal au, arranged marriage, abusive father, pet name (dove), not proofread

When Marc Spector was called into the king's office for a private meeting, a lot of things ran through his head

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When Marc Spector was called into the king's office for a private meeting, a lot of things ran through his head. He thought, perhaps, he'd been let go. He thought that maybe he had been promoted. Was there a chance that people had found out about Steven and Jake in spite of his careful attempts to make sure they didn't front while he was working? There were a million possibilities, but never did he think that the reason he was to meet with the king was to marry him off to the princess.

"There hasn't been an arranged marriage in the royal family in, what, a century?" Marc said when Benjamin told him his request. "If I may, why now?"

"My daughter needs to be reined in." Benjamin rose from his chair, turning and walking towards the large window that overlooked the grounds. He motioned for Marc to join him. When Marc stood next to him, Benjamin pointed to wear you were, running through the grounds as your bodyguard, Layla, chased after you. A smile twitched on Marc's lips as he looked at Layla. He hadn't seen in her so long—his fault, of course, but he still missed her. "I have done the best I could, but she continues to act out."

"So you would put the responsibility onto another person?" Marc questioned. "Would that really work?"

Benjamin tore his eyes away from his daughter and looked at Marc. "No. It wouldn't. However, getting her out of the palace will remove her from the public eye. Her faults will be less of a blemish on the family name. Put in charge of a dukedom, preferably far from the capital. The media would be forced to turn their attention elsewhere."

I don't trust him, Jake muttered, catching Marc's eye in the reflection of the glass. He speaks of her like she's some dog he can ship off somewhere.

Marc ignored Jake and he asked, "If you don't mind, what's in it for me? If she is so...troublesome, why should I have to put up with her?"

Now you're talking about her like she's a dog, Steven said.

Shut it you two.

"I've heard that you've been looking for an early retirement. Think of this as the most direct path. Marry my daughter and you would no longer have to serve with the Moon Knights. You'd be able to go off, live somewhere out in the country, and I would finance it all. All you have to do is take Y/N along with you."

DO NOT CHASTISE THE DOVE (A MOON KNIGHT ROYAL AU)Where stories live. Discover now