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originally published september 25, 2022

pairing: knight!steven grant x fem!princess!reader x knight!marc spector x knight!jake lockley

series summary: you were a princess who would rather be anything but a royal; he was the knight her father forced her to marry—a true match made in hell if there ever was one. but, as the wedding inches closer and closer, it seems that, perhaps, your father had finally done something right by you.

chapter summary: operation rescue dove is underway.

word count: 2,218

warnings?: mention of death, mention of kidnapping, mention of psychological torture, not proofread.

Steven was a generally nervous sort of fellow

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Steven was a generally nervous sort of fellow. Sure, in recent years he had grown more confident as he, Marc, and Jake became aware of each other and grew to work together. Being a Moon Knight certainly also helped in that regard. Yet, he often slipped back into his former mannerisms. After all, old habits die hard. And when it came to you? Oh, he was as nervous as nervous could be.

He had cared for you for quite a long time. When he learned that he and you were to be engaged, he had been equal parts excited and wary. All Steven had ever wanted was to be loved. And if the person who loved him was as sweet, as kind, as lovely as you? Oh, that would have been wonderful. But, with that also came the knowledge that you didn't ask for any of this. While he may have been excited, he didn't know how you might react. To the marriage. To Marc. To Jake. To him. As much as he wanted to go all in, he knew he had to hold back.

But then, you opened up to him. You let him in. You held him close, you smiled brightly at him. You let him see the more vulnerable parts of you. And he knew. He knew that you wanted to be loved just as much as he wanted to be loved. Steven promised, Steven swore, that he would do whatever it took to make sure you felt loved.

It felt like he was failing. Steven never thought his life would end up like this. He always sort of hoped that he and the boys could retire from being a Moon Knight, that he might work in a museum or perhaps a library. He wanted a quiet life. He wanted a life where he could learn and teach and just be. Now, now his life was full of chaos. And he didn't mind it. Not so much, anyways.

Because you didn't deserve any of this. Steven was only starting to get to know you, only starting to get to know the person that was hidden in the princess. But he knew enough to know you only deserved the best in the world. You deserved all the love. You deserved all the happiness. You deserved all the peace.

He hoped, he really, truly hoped, that you understood that. And if you didn't understand, if you didn't believe the sincerity in his words, then he would spend every day of the rest of his life making sure you did.

First things first, though: He had to make sure you got home. He had to make sure they saved you. He had to make sure that you were no longer in harm's way. It fucking ate him up inside to know that you had been taken somewhere. That someone could be hurting you—that someone probably was hurting you. It killed him to know that he had been unable to do anything to stop it.

DO NOT CHASTISE THE DOVE (A MOON KNIGHT ROYAL AU)Where stories live. Discover now